Russia 1917-1924

  • Created by: sophie
  • Created on: 30-05-18 15:43

Key things/events - Russia 1917-1924 [1]

  • Storming of the winter palace: November 1917- When the bolsheviks took over from the provisional government. The provisional government fled and the Blosheviks took over key monuments and buildings such as the winter palace where the Tsar had lived, the telegram office and bridges and roads 
  • Closure of the constituent assembly - As Lenin did not win he shut it down after just one meeting
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 1918 - The treaty that allowed Russia to leave the war, they lost a lot of land but it is what the people wanted
  • Execution of the Tsar and his family:July 1918 - After being moved from safe house to safe house they were executed as they would have always been a threat to power
  • Red terror - During war communism Lenin's spies would arrest and kill anyone who was seen as not a suporter, including land owners and politicians from the days of the Tsar
  • The Kronstadt rebellion: March 1921 - The sailors rose up against the Bolsheviks. Trotsky led an army to put it down and hundreds were killed
  • The new economic policy: 1921 - A replacement of war communism once the reds won the civil war
  • Lenin's testament and death: 1924 - His body, death and funeral was used as propaganda and his body can still be viewed now. In his testament he criticised Stalin 
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Key terms -Russia 1917-1924

  • The sealed train - The train the Germans used to help Lenin back to Russia. The Germans felt Lenin would pull Russia out of the war which was good for them
  • April theses - When Lenin came to power and he promised the people 'Land, Peace and Bread'
  • The Cheka - Lenin's secret police
  • Grain requisitioning - Taking grain from peasants at gun point to ensure the red army were well fed
  • Foreign intervention - The countries who helped the whites with money and soldiers during the civil war; Britain, France, America and Japan
  • Reds and whites - The two opposing sides of the civil war
  • Agitprop - Bolshevik propaganda, a train carrying cinema and music that was taken to the country villages to inspie them about the revolution
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Key individuals - Russia 1917-1924

  • Alexander Kerensky - The leader/primeminister of the provisional governemnt who were in charge after the Tsar's abducation
  • Leon Trotsky - The civil war leader of the red party and Lenin's close advisor
  • Joeseph Stalin - The man who took over after Lenin's death who hid his testament from the world 
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