Main social classes in Russia - Tsar and his family, the nobility, middles classes, working class (factory workers) and the peasants (80% of the population)
The Tsar's secret police - It was called the Okhrana and they spied, read letters, arrested, questioned and killed people under the orders of the Tsar
How did the Tsar rule Russia? - He was violent towards opposition, he ran Russia as a dictatorship, he used russification to try to unite the people of Russia and cencorship
What political parties existed in 1905? - Socialist revolutionaries, social democrats, liberals and cadets
Which two events undermined the Tsar in 1905 - Bloody sunday and the war with Japan
How did life change in Russia in 1905? - Stolypin set up the peasants bank and Rasputin got close to the royal family
What was Rasputin's influence in Russia? - He decreased the popularity of the royal family and his friends were put in high places which caused chaos
How did WW1 impact Russia? - Food shortages, country in chaos as the Tsarina was in charge, lack of resources at home such as electricity, no weapons or boots for the army and a demoralised country
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Key terms - Russia 1894-1917
Autocracy - A ruler who has complete control and runs the country as a dictatorship like the Tsar does
Bolshevik - Political communist party led by Lenin in Russia
Revolutionary - Someone who wants change and a dramatic and complete overhaul of a system, government or country
Aristocracy - The top of the social classes, the rich and well off
Exile - Sent away from your country, usually due to some crime
Petrograd soviet - One half of the dual government that had the support of mostly all of the workers soldiers and sailors
Industrailisation - Improving the industrial output of a country by improving systems and equipment
Dual government - Two parties running the country together. After the Tsar's abducation this was the provisional governemnt and the petrograd soviet
Empire/Imperial - Large area ruled by one person including people of different nationalities
Russification - The Tsar's policy to unite Russia by forcing the Russian language on all groups od people within Russia
Order number 1 - That the petrograd soviet would only obey the provisional government if they agreed
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Key individuals - Russia 1894-1917
Tsar Nichollas II - The ruler/ 'king' of Russia until 1917. He became Tsar in 1894. He had four daughters and a son
Rasputin - The man who could 'cure' Alexi's haemophillia, he caused scandal within the royal family and it was rumoured that he was having an afair with the Tsarina
Father Gapon - Led the protest march to the winter palace in 1905- known as bloody sunday due to the disater it turned into
Peter Stolypin - The primeminister 1906-1911, he tried to carry out reforms in agriculture and some were achieved before his assasination in 1911
Vladamir Lenin - Leader of the Bolshevik party. He ruled Russia from 1917-1924
Alexander Kerensky - Leader/prime minister of the provisional government who fled Russia when the bolsheviks took power
General Kornilov - Army general who tried to overthrow the provisional government
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