Rules of Mahmooz 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? FunFunNone Created by: NoshinxoxoCreated on: 07-04-14 12:39 Rule of رأس Hamzah SAKIN with HARAKAH before CAN be changed to corresponding HURF-E-ILLAT رَأْسٌ ---------> رَاسٌ ذِئبٌ ---------> ذِيْبٌ 1 of 7 Rule of يسلُ Hamzah MUTAHARRIK AFTER a SAKIN - Harakah is given to SAKIN before and Hamzah is DROPPED يَسْئَلُ -----> يَسَئلُ ------> يَسَلُ 2 of 7 Rule of خطيئت Hamzah AFTER a MADD-e-ZAIDAH or YAA TASGHIR then CHANGE the Hamzah to the PRECEDING LETTER then IDGHAAM (merge) مَقْرُوْأَةٌ ------> مَقْرُوْوَةٌ -------> مَقْرُوَّةٌ 3 of 7 Rule of سُوَالٌ Hamzah MAFTOOH preceded by DHAMMA or KASRA then CHANGE the Hamzah to WAW or YAA. سُؤَالٌ -------> سُوَالٌ مِئَرٌ -------> مِيْرٌ 4 of 7 Rule of آمن Hamzah SAKIN with Hamzah MUTAHARRIK before it - Hamzah SAKIN changed to Corresponding HURF-e-ILLAT اَءْمَنَ -----> اَامَنَ -------> آمنَ اِئمَانٌ --------> اِيْمَانٌ 5 of 7 Rule of أوادم 2 Hamzah MUTAKKARIKs (BUT NOT MAKSOOR) then Change SECOND Hamza to WAW أَأَادَمُ ---------> أَوَادَمُ أُأَمِّلُ --------> أُوَمِّلُ 6 of 7 Rule of ايمّة Hamzah MUTAHARRIK with Hamzah MUTAKARRIK before it then SECOND Hamza changed to YAA أإِمَّةٌ --------> أَيِمَّةٌ 7 of 7