RS 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesHinduismGCSEAQA Created by: RaulLobo25Created on: 13-10-15 18:32 Guru A Spiritual Teacher 1 of 12 Nothing tikntjkyhtrjytiklytkl 2 of 12 Brahmin The first of the Varnas from which priests are drawn 3 of 12 Manusmriti The Laws of Manu [which contains the Hindu Personal and Social Law 4 of 12 Smriti The Hindu Scriptures other than Vedas and Upanishads 5 of 12 Sanskrit The Sacred Language of the Hindu Scriptures 6 of 12 Upanishads Hindu Scriptures which explain the Vedas 7 of 12 Vaishnavism The Religion of Hindu devoted to Vishnu 8 of 12 Varna The Four Principal divisions of Hindu Society 9 of 12 Vedas The most ancient of the Hindu Scriptures [knowlege] 10 of 12 Swami A Religious Leader honoured because they can control their senses 11 of 12 Bhagavad Gita The Song of the Lord/one of the most important Hindu scriptures 12 of 12
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