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  • Created on: 06-06-23 17:17



  • Allah is the arabic word for God 
  • Tawhid= oneness of God/ Allah
  • Transcendent= beyond human understanding
  • Omnipotence= all powerful
  • Beneficence= generous
  • Mercy= compassion/ forgiveness
  • Fairness= just treatment
  • Justice= quality of being fair and reasonable 
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  • Adalat is the belief in divine justice
  • It is where Allah is always right and fair
  • Allah created the world for everyone to be fair and just 
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  • The belief in prophethood
  • Prophethood is important because they gave guidance and instruction to their people on how to worship Allah and live their lives
  • God also conveys his message and relates his will through prophets, forming a link between humans and the heavens

'' and we have already sent messengers before you and assigned to them wives and descendents ''

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  • Regarded as the hanif- this means he knows inner knowledge that there really is only one God
  • Greatest prophet before Isa 
  • Born into a family of polytheists but rejected those beliefs and became a Muslim

'' Abraham was neither a Jew or Christian, but he was inclining truth, a Muslim''

  • Father to Isaac (the prohet to the jews) and Ismail (prophet to the Arabs)
  • Ancestor to Muhammad
  • There is a tradition that God revealed a Holy Book to Ibrahim known as 'the scrolls of Ibrahim' or the 'Sahifah'
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Isa as a prophet

  • Islamic name for Jesus
  • Apart from Muhammad, Isa and Maryam (his mother) are the most prominent figures in the Qur'an
  • Successor to Moses
  • He was given the Injil (gospel)
  • He performed miracles
  • The Qur'an teaches that although it seemed like Isa had been crucified, in fact he did not die.
  • Isa will reappear in the second coming when God judges the world

'' and they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him ''

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  • The last and greatest prophets sent by God
  • Role model for Muslims because of the moral and prayerful way he lived his life
  • He was born, lived and died an ordinary man

Muhammads message

  • There is one true God
  • We need to show thanks to God through worship
  • There will be a day of judgement where God will judge our lives
  • Muslims follow is Hadith (sayings) and his Sunna (way of life)

'' God chooses for himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whover turns back (to Him) ''

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Angels- Malaikah

  • The belief in Angels is Malaikah
  • God's messengers
  • We can become aware of God's laws and his purposes in our lives through Angels
  • Can take on many to carry out 
  • They are without sin meaning that they are able to enter into God's divine presence but also communicate with humans
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The nature of angels

  • Although they are invisible, they exist everywhere
  • Never far away and are always in contact with humans- especially when someone prays or thinks about God
  • They have no physical bodies
  • Qur'an describes them as having wings and being male
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Examples of angels

  • Jibril= angel of revelation- responsible for revealing the Qur'an
  • Mika'il= archangel responsible for keeping the devil out of heaven and protecting faithful worshippers
  • Israfil= the archangel responsible for blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgement 
  • Azrail= the archangel who takes souls at death
  • Raqib and Atib= the angels who note down our good and bad deeds, to read from the book on the last day
  • Munkar and Nakir= the angels who question each person after their death, testing their faith
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Diversity between Sunni Islam and Shi'a regarding angels 

  • Sunni believe angels were made from light
  • Have no free will
  • Immortal
  • Obey Gods commands
  • Shi'a believe angels have limited free will
  • Weren't made from light
  • Revelation of Qur'an through Angel Jibril
  • Immortal
  • Obey God's command
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Diversity between Sunni and Shi'a regarding free will

  • Islam teaches that we all have free will and God will hold us accountable for our decions on the Day of Judgement. 
  • However, one of the six roots of faith in Sunni Islam is 'Al - Qadr' this is the belief that things happen because God wills it. Meaning that God knows everything that is going to happen in the future.

''Inshallah'' - if god wills it

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Significance of Jibril's revelation of Qur'an to Muhummad

  • Muslims believe that the Muhammad was given the Qur'an by Angel Jibril
  • If it wasn't for Jibril's revelations, then Muhammad would not have gotten the word of God, so there would be no Qur'an 
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Al Qadr- predestination

  • Al Qadr is the belief in predestination
  • Islam teaches that God has a divine plan for all of us
  • God is responsible for all things
  • God has a masterplan, everything that happens is predestined to take place
  • It is all part of his design and larger plan
  • Muslims believe that things we call a coincidence are actually part of God's plan
  • They will only succeed in their own plans if God is also willing to make it happen

'' Inshallah''

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  • The belief in the afterlife
  • Muslims believe that our mortal lives are a test and that we will be judged according to how we have lived
  • As humas we have been given free will so we are able to make choices about what to believe and how to treat others
  • We will be held responsible for these thoughts and actions when God comes to judge us on the last day
  • Overall, Muslims believe that suffering is a test and we will be judged deciding where we go in the afterlife
  • In the afterlife there is heaven and hell
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  • God weighs our deeds 
  • God judges each peron's actions but intentions (niyyah) are also taken into consideration
  • if the person has the intention to do a good deed, but was unable to carry it out, this is counted as a good deed
  • if they intended a bad deed, but did not do it, that is a good deed
  • if they intended and carried out a good deed, this is counted as ten good deeds
  • if they intended and carried out a bad deed, God records that as one bad deed
  • God tests people's faith
  • Barzakh= kept in the state of waiting until the final trumpet is heard- like a waiting room until you are called in
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Janna- heaven

  • a state of joy
  • happiness
  • peace
  • those who have been blessed by God will successfully cross to heaven
  • faithful, moral lives
  • those who fought for God and persecuted for their faith
  • heaven is a reward for living a good life
  • it is believed that God is present in heaven


''beautiful gardens''

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Jahannam- hell

  • a state of torment and suffering
  • a place of terror 
  • separated from God without a hope to return

'' forced to drink scorching water ''

''wear garments of fire''

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6 articles of faith for Sunni Islam

  • Tawhid= the oneness of Allah
  • Malaikah= the belief in angels
  • Kutub= the holy books
  • Risalah= belief in prophethood
  • Akhirah= belief in the afterlife
  • Al- Qadr= predestination
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5 roots of Usul ad-Din in Shi'a Muslim

  • Tawhid= oneness of Allah
  • Adalat= justice of God
  • Nubuwwah= prophethood
  • Imamate= leadership
  • Qayamat= resurrection
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  • the belief in Holy books, not just the Qur'an
  • the Qur'an names four other Holy books
  • Sahifah= the scrolls of Ibrahim
  • Tawrat= the revelation given to Musa
  • Zabur= given to Dawud
  • Injil= the teaching given to Isa 
  • The qur'an is seen as the most important Holy Book because it is believed that the others are corrupt and are fallible (meaning they have errors)
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