RS 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesGeneral infoGCSENone Created by: ShadowTheGreatCreated on: 02-05-17 17:24 Creed Creed is our set of beliefs 1 of 7 Cult Cult is our way of life, praying etc 2 of 7 Code Code is the ruls we must follow like a holy scripture etc 3 of 7 Omnipotent It means God is strong 4 of 7 Transcendant God is outside space and time 5 of 7 Omniscient God is knowledegable 6 of 7 Stages of the Earth's creation (Christian) Day 1: Light and Dark Day 2: The sky and water Day 3: Land and vegitation Day 4: Seasons, years, days and stars Day 5: Sea animals Day 6: Sheep, cattle and humans Day 7: Rest for God 7 of 7
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