Romeo and Juliet plot revision

  • Created by: Emilyh.11
  • Created on: 22-01-24 17:15

Act 1

Scene 1- Fighting breaks out between Capulets and montagues, the prince intervenes and stops them. Romeo tells Benvolio about his love for Rosaline.

Scene 2- Paris wants to marry Juliet and Lord Capulet invites him to a family ball. The Servant asks Romeo and Benvolio to read them for him.

Scene 3- Lady Capulet tells Juliet and her nurse about Paris and his proposal of marriage.

Scene 4- Benvolio and Mercutio persuade Romeo to join them in a masquerade.

Scene 5- Romeo goes to the capulets ball and sees Juliet and instantly falls in love with her. Tybalt sees him and wants to start a fight with him. Lord Capulet restrains him. Juliet questions the nurse about the unknown young man

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Act 2

Scene 1- Romeo hides from his friends who joke about his love for Rosaline.

Scene 2 (balcony scene)- Juliet sighs out her love, unaware that romeo is listening. They arrange for Juliets nurse to be their go-between (a person who acts like a messenger)

Scene 3- Friar Lawrence is persuaded to marry Romeo and juliet.

Scene 4- Benvolio and Mercutio discuss Tybalts challenge and the nurse come to fine Romeo.

Scene 5- The Nurse tells Juliet about Romeo's arrangements for their marriage.

Scene 6- They are married by Friar Lawrence in secret. 

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Act 3

Scene 1- Mercutio is outraged when Romeo refuses Tybalts challenge so he draws his own sword. Mercutio is killed by Tybalt and Tybalt is killed by Romeo. Romeo is banished from Verona.

Scene 2- The Nurse tells Juliet the bad news about Romeo.

Scene 3- Friar Lawrence tries to console Romeo an find a solution.

Scene 4- Juliet's father makes plans for her to marry Paris. 

Scene 5- Romeo leaves Juliet. Nurse gives warning that Juliets mother is looking for her daughter. Lady Capulet brings news of the arranged marriage.

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Act 4

Scene 1- Friar Lawrence has a plan to save the situation.

Scene 2- Capulets are preparing for the wedding. Juliet assures her father that she will obey him but the wedding day is changed.

Scene 3- Juliet takes the Friars drug even though she is frightened.

Scene 4- The Nurse goes to wake Juliet.

Scene 5- Juliet cannot be woken, the whole family join together to lament (passionate expression of grief and sorrow) 

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Act 5

Scene 1- In Mantua, Romeo hears of Juliets death.

Scene 2- Friar Lawrence learns that romeo had not recieved his letter and hurries to the capulets vault. 

Scene 3- Paris, praying at Juliet's tomb, encounter Romeo, they fight and paris is killed. Friar Lawrence is too late to save Romeo, who swallows the poison he bought in Mantua. When Juliet sees his body, she kills herself with Romeo's dagger. Friar Lawrence explains everything. 

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