mouth (opening into the sea at the end of the river)
sea or lake
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Drainage Basin
1. Hydraulic action and Abraision wear away the soft rock and create a plunge pool.
2. The harder Rock is undercut as the soft rock continues the be eroded. An overhang of hard rock forms
3. When it becomes too large the overhang of the hard rock collapse. The debris continues to erode the plunge pool. The water fall starts to move backwards.
4. Erosion continues in this pattern. The hard rock is undercut, making the plunge pool bigger, and when it collapses, the position of the falls moves back again
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Process of erosion
1. TRACTION - where material is rolled along the river bed
2. SALTATION- where material is bounced along the river bed
3. SUSPENSION- where material is carried within the water colmn
4. SOLUTION- where material is dissolved in the water
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