Common Pathway
Both the intrinsic and extrinsic merge into the common pathway after this and this occurs on the prothrombinase enzyme complex. The key activation factor of this complex is 10a.
10a activated on the PL rich surface of platelets > In presence of Ca activated 10a forms complex with cofactor 5a > Converting prothrombin - thrombin > thrombin dissociates > fibrinogen - fibrin polymer > thrombin recruits platelets to seal breach in vessel wall
DIC (trauma, burn, sepsis, tumour, toxin, ABO incompatibility)
Systemic activation of cascade > widespread deposition of fibrin > clotting and use of platelets > ischemia due to restriction to blood flow > organ failure
Prolonged PT and APPT, low fibrinogen, Increased D-dimers, fragmented RBC
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