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- Created by: Louie
- Created on: 12-05-14 21:15
Hera at Paestum
Olympia- Temple of Hera
- Built in 550BC
- Doric temple
- Basic capital/abacus
- Echinus rounded
- 6-16 colums
- 2 steps
- 2 columns on the pro naos and opisthodomos
- Dedicated to Hera
- Once shared 2 statues one of Hera and one of Zeus
- Inside is made from limestone
- Upper part is made of unbaked bricks
- The Anta had wooden clading
- It once had a terracotta disk
- It has stucco on the limestone to make it look like marble
- The columns were once wooden and were slowly replaced
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Hera at Olympia
Olympia- Temple of Hera
- Built in 590BC
- Doric temple
- Basic capital/abacus
- Echinus rounded
- 6-16 colums
- 2 steps
- 2 columns on the pro naos and opisthodomos
- Dedicated to Hera
- Once shared 2 statues one of Hera and one of Zeus
- Inside is made from limestone
- Upper part is made of unbaked bricks
- The Anta had wooden clading
- It once had a terracotta disk
- It has stucco on the limestone to make it look like marble
- The columns were once wooden and were slowly replaced
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Ceres/Athena at Paestum
Temple of Athena/Ceres at Paestum
- 500 BC
- No rear porch
- Had a sacrificial alter called a temenos
- It has 2 stairs leading to the roof
- Steps leading to the cella
- 3 Steps to the pro naos
- 6-13 column ratio
- Cella not divided
- Metopes painted
- It had triglyphs
- Doric columns
- It had entasis
- Terracotta inscription saying Minerva
- Highest point in the city
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Hera 2/ Poseidon
Temple of Hera 2/ Temple of Poseidon at Paestum
- Built in 450 BC
- 6-14 column
- 3 step stylobyte
- It used stucco
- Archaic traits less pronounced
- Columns have a slight entasis
- Frieze is complete, undamaged tryglyphs and metopes
- Pediments without sculpture, pediment remains
- No decoration
- Columns double stacked in cella
- 24 flutes not 20
- Columns made from limestone
- It had antefixes
- Roof was terracotta
- East-West facing
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Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Zeus at Olympia
- Built in 470BC
- 13-6 column ratio
- No internal walls, 16 double stacked columns
- Chryselephantine cult statue in the cella
- Two stacked columns in the pro noas
- It has a Ramp
- Doric temple
- Water spouts like lion heads
- 6 metopes front and back
- Victor of olympic games crowned in the pro noas
- Columns made out of limestone then covered in stucco
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Zeus at Olympia 2
Temple of Zeus at Olympia, east pediment
- The chariot race of Pelops and Oinomaos
- Triangular shape
- Zeus is a staggering statue in the middle with a commanding presence
- In the corners are the river gods
- Both women wear a simple peplos
- Servants are kneeling
- Oinomaos is explainging the conditions of the race
- Oinomaos's hand is confidently on his hip
- Less engaging image but it's the meant to represent the tense moment before the race
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Zeus at Olympia 3
Zeus at Olympia, West pediment
- The Lapith wedding, the battle between Laptiths and Centaurs
- Apollo watches in the centre, commanding presence
- All figures are interlocking
- Pirithous king of Lapiths
- Lapiths are unarmed but Pirithous has a sword
- Bride is being attacked by centaur but she is calm and queen like, corners are lapith women
- Overall theme of this is the Greeks are Lapiths who fight clamly and do not sweat over fighting, the perfect form.
- The Centaurs are barbarians who the Greeks are meant to be superior to
- Greeks vs Persians related
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Zeus at Olympia 4
Zeus at Olympia, Metopes
- 12 Labours of Herakles
- 1) Slay the Nemean lion
- 2) Slay the nine-headed Lernaean hydra
- 3) Capture the golden hind of Artemis
- 4) Capture the Erymanthian boar
- 5) Clean the Augean stables in a single day
- 6) Slay the Stymphalian birds
- 7) Capture the Cretan bull
- 8) Steal the mares of Diomedes
- 9) Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons
- 10) Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon
- 11) Steal the apples of the Hesperides, (Atlas)
- 12) Capture and bring back Cerberus
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The Parthenon on the Acropolis
The Parthenon on the Acropolis
- Ionic
- Built in 438BC
- 8-17 Doric columns
- 4 Ionic columns in a room just inside from the Opisthodomos
- 23 inner columns in the cella which are double stacked
- It has an upstairs
- 6 Doric columns in the pro naos
- Antefixes ran along the whole roof
- Columns are marble
- 3 step
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The Parthenon on the Acropolis 2
The Parthenon on the Acropolis, pediments
- The east pediment is the birth of Athena
- The horse in the left is Selene and the one on the right is Nyx which are the horses of Helios
- Athena is born in armour from Zeus's head
- The west pediment is the battle for patronage of Athens between Athena and Poseidon
- Athena is with Nike and Hermes while Poseidon is with Amphitrite and Iris
- The corners are heroes of Athens's past
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The Parthenon on the Acropolis 3
The Parthenon on the Acropolis, Metopes
- Lapiths and Centaurs fighting at the wedding
- Representing the Greeks vs Persians
- Lapiths are Idyllic form while Centaurs are struggling
- These are ones that are left
- Overall 92 Metopes
- East is Gods and giants
- West is Invasion of Athens by Amazons
- North is Trojen war
- South is Lapiths
- Weapons added from metal
- Figures are awkward
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The Parthenon on the Acropolis 4
The Parthenon on the Acropolis, frieze
- The precession of Athena's birthday
- 1m high
- 150m long
- Low relief
- Begins in the south then works it way round
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The Parthenon on the Acropolis 4
The Parthenon on the Acropolis, frieze
- The precession of Athena's birthday
- 1m high
- 150m long
- Low relief
- Begins in the south then works it way round
- Horses for example the men on them are god like with flowing drapery to suggest movement also they show no effort in the act making them idyllic
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Propylaia on the Acropolis
Propylaia on the Acropolis
- 6 Doric columns in the front and back
- 6 Ionic columns in the middle
- Built in 432BC
- It has a pediment but no sculpture
- Triglyphs and metopes are present
- 4 steps
- Southwing smaller
- Acts as a gateway
- The North room is an art gallery
- Built by Mnesikles
- Entry is through the West
- It has Antefixes
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Athena Nike on the Acropolis
Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis
- 4 Ionic columns in the pro noas and the opisthodomos
- Small cella
- No door to the opisthodomos though cella
- Built in 425BC
- No pediment sculpture
- Parapet outside
- Continuous frieze
- North frieze is Greeks vs Persians
- West is Greeks and other Greeks
- East is Gods and Deities
- Parapet surrounded the temple acts as a guard rail each has an independent scene such as Athena laying down her weapons
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Athena Nike on the Acropolis 2
Athena Nike on the Acropolis continued
- Statue of Athena Nike in its cella was made of wood and had a pomegranate branch, and also a helmet
- Statue has been deprived of its wings so it can never leave the city
- Tetrastyle which is 4 columns
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Apollo Epicurus at Bassae
The temple of Epicurus at Bassae
- 1 Corinthian Column
- 10 Ionic columns which are conected to the wall
- 15-6 Doric columns
- 400BC completed
- N-S Facing
- Frieze is on the inside which has Centauromachy and Amazonomachy
- Grey limestone
- Frieze is high relief 23 panels
- 11 Greeks fighting centaurs and 12 greeks fighting amazon
- Could be made by the same person who made the Parthenon
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Erechtheion on the Acropolis
Erechtheion on the Acropolis
- 420BC
- Ionic temple
- Ground is uneven
- Named after Erechtheus king of Athens
- Eastern cella
- Patron goddess of Athens is made out of wood and is standing armed with a shield with a gorgon head, she wears a peplos and is renewed every 4 years at the panathennaic and there was a golden lamp in front of her
- Western cella
- Dedicated to lots of gods and local heroes
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Erechtheion on the Acropolis 2
Erechtheion on the Acropolis, continued
- The caryatids 6 columns of women in the South porch
- Plated hair, boldstone, straight leg, effotless holding roof up
- 3 metres smaller
- There is a frieze and it held the gods on it
- 63m frieze
- North porch had a hole where Zeus lightning bolt struck or Poseidons trident struck
- Olive branch grove on the western porch
- Entrance in the East and West
- 6 Ionic columns in the North and East porch
- Pentelic marble columns
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Tholos at Epidauros
Tholos at Epidauros
- 26 Doric columns
- Triglyphs and Metopes, floral pattern
- Built in 350BC
- It had palmets
- 14 Corinthian columns
- It had a maze of snakes in a labyrinth beneath it
- It had a painting of Eros
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Philippeion at Olympia
Philippeion at Olympia
- Built in 300BC
- Dedicted by Philip of Macedon
- Dedicated to Zeus
- 5 Chryselephantine statues added by Alexander
- 18 Ionic columns and 9 Corinthian columns
- Roof had carved marble
- Bronze poppy head
- Rhomboids in the floor
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