Right MindfulnessRight Concentration/meditationBhavana(cultivation/training of the mind)Samadhi (higher level of concentration)Samatha(calm)Vipassana(insight)MettaBhavana(loving kindness)BrahmaViharas(‘divineabidings’)
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Meditation before Buddha
Buddha learnt meditation in India fromshramanateachers in the forest.Buddha developed certain meditation techniques unique to Buddhism.
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Meditation and Buddha
Buddha discovered the special value of meditation.He meditated under thebodhitree and gainedenlightenment.The importance of meditation in Buddhism is based on Buddha’s personal experience of its benefits.
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Purposes of meditation
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles”dhammapada103What do you think this means?Buddhists use meditation to transform their minds from distraction, emotions and confusion to a state of peace and clarity.
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Buddhist Meditation…
PurifiesthemindEndssuffering and itscausesLeadspeople toenlightenment
These are spiritual rather than worldly purposes (unlike using meditation to de-stress)
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Sanskrit andPalitermbhavanameans cultivation or development – training the mindMeditation aims to free the mind from greed, craving, anger, ill-will, laziness, anxiety and to cultivate positive qualities such as concentration, awareness, diligence, confidence, joy, tranquillity
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Ultimate aim
To cut through thoughts and emotions to access the nature of mind in order to attain thehighest wisdom, compassion and peace.
“in its natural state the mind is peaceful, without happiness or suffering. This is the true state of the mind”AjahnChah
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2 main types of Buddhist meditation
Samatha– probably existed before Buddha and is still practised by Hindus today.Vipassana– developed byBuddhaand practised specifically byBuddhists.
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Meditation practice
Most Buddhists in the West meditate eachday.
Lay Buddhists meditate at home rather than at temple ormonasteries.In Asia only monks and nuns meditateregularly.Lay people in Asia chant which also arouses joy andmindfulness.
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Samatha meditation
Means ‘calm abiding’.Develops mental concentration and peace of mind.Sometimes called tranquillity meditation.1st step = cultivation ofmindfulness.
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4 types of mindfulness
- mindfulness of body
-mindfulness of feelings and sensations- mindfulness of mind-mindfulness of mental statesFocus on first one for a short while to calm mind and body as a preliminary to othersamathapractices.
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