Many Christians believe issues such as pollution, deforestation, damage to habitats, global warming, the destruction of the ozone layer and exhausting the world's natural resources need to be addressed if we are to be able to live on this earth for generations to come
- Pray for strength and help in looking after the planet
- Recycling such as cardboard, glass and plastic- encourage others to do the same
- Use cars with low emissions, public transport or car sharing
- Vote in local elections- promises to help the environment
- Become involved in local projects- clean up areas, reverse some of the damage
- Raise awareness of the isssues- encourage others to do something about it
- Use products that are not harmful to the environment
- Be less wasteful- turning off lights etc.
- Join an organisation that works for the good of the environment e.g. Green Peace
By acting, Christians are showing their duty and responsibility of stewardship.
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