
  • Created by: congriff
  • Created on: 26-01-24 16:11


Stores the intermediate results of calculations or other processes.

The calculation ‘5 + 2 – 4’ would be partially complete at ‘5 + 2’.

At this point, ‘7’, the intermediate result, would be stored in the accumulator 

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Instruction Register

Stores the instruction or process to be carried out on the data.

Using the calculation ‘5 + 2 – 4’,

The memory instruction register will, at some point, contain a reference to addition and subtraction at various points. 

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Memory Address Register

Stores the memory location that is to be accessed next.

If an instruction is about to be accessed,this register will contain the same memory location as the program counter;

if data is about to be accessed, it will be different. 

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Memory data register

Stores data to be processed.

If the processor is carrying out the calculation ‘5 + 2 – 4’, at various points, the numbers ‘5’ and ‘2’ will be stored in the memory data register.

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Program Counter

Stores the memory location of the next instruction to be accessed.

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