Reasons for the US involvement in the Vietnam war
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- Created by: MeggieHills
- Created on: 24-05-17 19:50
Background- Before and during WWII
- Before WWII, Vietnam waas ruled b France.
- During the war the reigion was conquered by the Japanese.
- The Vietnamesse people were treated savagery
- Ho Chi Minh insspired the Vietnamese people to fight for independance
- In 1945 they wanted to rule Vietnam again but Ho Chi Minh wasn't prepared to let this happen.
- In 1949 Vietnam became communist
- In 1945 the French suffered a major defeat
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French involvement and Dien Bien Phu
French involvement:
- French were trying to stop soviet union, Chinese etc to turn Vietnam communist.
- The USA supported the French against the Ho Chi Minh.
- The USA gave them finacial & military aid.(Indochina War)
Dien Bien Phu:
- The battle fought around Dien Bien Phu was the last major campaign by a European state in the region.
- The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 signalled the end of French influence in Indochina.
- The Dien Bien Phu was used by the French to try and defeat the Vetminh.
- Alot of bombs , airplanes were stored here so that thy could drop bombs on the surrounding areas to try and defeat the VIetminh.
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Geneva Conference
- In 1954 the usa took part and agreed to the dividing up of Vietnam.
- These bought delay on the electiond so they became worried about Ho Chi Minh winning.
- The Geneva Conference was a conference among several nations that took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in order to settle outstanding issues resulting from the Korean War and discuss the possibility of restoring peace in Indochina.
- The Soviet Union, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China were participants throughout the conference, while other countries concerned were represented during the discussion of questions of interest to them.
- These included the countries that contributed troops to the United Nations forces in the Korean War, and countries that participated in the resolution of the First Indochina War between France and the Việt Minh.
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Domino Theory
The Domino Theory was if one county in a specific reigion fell under the influence of communism then the country surrounding would follow in a domino effect.
The domino theory was used by successive United States administrations during the Cold War to justify the need for American intervention around the world.
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Supporting and overthrowing Diem
- The USA backed south Diem
- The fact that he was Anti-communist was enough to gain support.
- It was increasingly clear to kennedy that Diem was not an effective leader.
- Diem could not unite the south againt communism.
- In 1963 ennedy agreed to a CIA operation that gave a group of south Vietnamese army generals $400,000 to overthrow Diem's government.
- Diem and his brother ended up getting shot.
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Military advisers and Strategic Hamlets
Military advisers:
- The U.S. military advisory effort in Vietnam had a modest beginning in September 1950, when the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group , Vietnam, was established in Saigon.
- Its mission was to supervise the issuance and employment of $10 million of military equipment to support French legionnaires in their effort to combat Viet Minh forces.
- By 1953 the amount of U.S. military aid had jumped to over $350 million and was used to replace the badly worn World War II vintage equipment that France, still suffering economically from the devastation of that war, was still using it.
Strategic Hamlets:
- They were led by Diems Government and theCIA designed it to stop the Viet Cong winning over the south Vietnamese villagers.
- If the village were 'in-danger' he residents would relocate to a fortified camp with ditches, barbed wire fences and were guarded by the non communist.
- It was hard to tell who was the Viet Cong and who was a villager, so they never knew wheher communism was still spreading.
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Gulf of Tonkin and military involvement
- The Gulf of Tonkin took pland on the 2nd of August 1964. The USS Maddox was the first attak from the north Vietnamese but it was unsuccessful at it didnt explode.
- The US fighter plane sinks one torpedo boat and damaged two more.
- On the 4th of August the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy said they had been fired upon and thta they attacked the torpedo boats.
- No salior onboard however actually saw the attack.
- Johnson however, ordered the Us airforce to attack the North Vietnamese gunboat bases.
- The resolution was that Johnson was given power to dfend US forces and south Vietnam
- The congress was agreed and passed.
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