R.E crime and punishment 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesCrime and PunishmentGCSEEdexcel Created by: mikewhiskeyhandsCreated on: 24-11-14 12:16 Crime An action that breaks the laws of a particular country 1 of 9 Sin An act against the will of God 2 of 9 Rehabilitation Restore to normal life 3 of 9 Law Rules made by parliament and enforced by court 4 of 9 Reform The idea that punishments should try and change criminals so they will not commit a crime again 5 of 9 Deterrence The idea that punishments should be of such a nature that they will put people off ( deter ) comminting crimes 6 of 9 Justice Due allocation of reward and punishments/ the maintanence of what is right 7 of 9 Retribution The idea that punishments should make the criminals pay for what they have done wrong 8 of 9 Capital Punishment The death penalty for a crime or offence 9 of 9
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