Punto 2
- Created by: debbie0310
- Created on: 03-09-19 14:27
Adjectival agreement in description
Adjectives match the noun they refer to in gender and number. In the singular, most adjectives take an -o ending with the masculine nouns and an -a with feminine nouns; adjectives ending in -e don't change.
-o = Julián es alto y delgado = Julián is tall and slim
-a = Carmen es alta y delgada = Carmen is tall and slim
-e = Maria es fuerte. Juan es fuerte = Maria is strong. John is strong.
Consonent = Jacinta es joven = Jacinta is young
Adjectives for people
Alto/a = tall
Bajo/a = short
Gordo/a = fat
Delgado/a = slim
Joven = young
Mayor = old
Fuerte = strong
Guapo/a = good looking
Feo/a = ugly
Describing a face
La cabeza = the head
El pelo = hair
Las orejas = ears
El nariz - nose
Las cejas = eyebrows
La boca = mouth
Las gafas = glasses
Los ojos = eyes
Describing physical appearance using ser and tener
Es alta y fuerte = she is tall and strong
Tiene el pelo ***** = he/she has dark hair
The definite article (el, la, los, las) is normally used when referring to parts of the body.
Tiene la boca grande - his/her mouth is big
Noun and adjective have to agree in number and gender.
Tiene los ojos azules - he/she has blue eyes
Describing personalities
Cariñoso/a = affectionate
Simpático/a = nice
Animado/a = lively/cheerful
Despistado = absentminded
Divertido/a = entertaining
Tranquilo/a = calm
Alegre = cheerful
Bueno = kind
Generoso/a = generous
Serio/a = serious
Callado/a = quiet
Personal pronouns (plural)
Nosotros/nosotras = we
Vosotros/vosotras = you
Ustedes = you
Ellos/ellas = they
Ser (to be)
Yo soy = I an
Tú eres = you are
Él/ella, usted es = he/she is, you are
Nosotros/nosotras somos = we are
Vosotros/vosotras sois = you are
Ellos/ellas, ustedes son = they are, you are
Plural of adjectives
The general rule for forming the plural of adjectives is to add -s to those ending in an unstressed vowel and -es to those ending in a consonant.
Los abuelos del club son muy simpatáticos = The grandparents at the club are very nice.
Las novelas españoles son muy interesantes = Spanish novels are very interesting
Los abuelos del club son muy acogedores y no son muy mayores = the grandparents at the club are very welcoming and they are not very old.
Mi abuela es feliz = my grandmother is happy
Las abuelas del pueblo son alegres y felices = the grandmothers in the village are cheerful and happy
Español de bolsillo
¿Cómo eres? = What are you like?
Soy bastante simpático y muy alto = I am quite nice and very tall
¿Cómo es usted? = What are you like?
Soy morena y tengo los ojos negros = I have dark hair and dark eyes
¿Cómo sois? = What are you like?
Somos muy alegres = We are very cheerful
¿Cómo son ustedes? = What are you like?
Somos un poco tercos y bastante despistados = We are a little stubborn and quite absent-minded.
Pantalones = trousers
Camisa = shirt
Zapatos = shoes
Abrigo = coat/jacket
Falda = skirt
Jersey = jersey/jumper
Vestido = dress
Sombrero = hat
Sandalias = sandals
Vaqueros = jeans
Gafas de sol = sunglasses
Llevar (to wear)
The verb commonly used for talking about what someone is wearing is llevar, which is a regular verb. This can be used on its own or followed by a definite or indefinite article.
¿Qué ropa llevas...? = What do you wear...?
***** = black
Verde = green
Rojo = red
Amarillo = yellow
Azul = blue
Rosa = pink
Gris = grey
Marrón = brown
Blanco = white
Español de bosillo
¿Qué ropa lleva? = What clothes is he/she wearing?
Lleva unos pantalones negros = He's wearing black trousers
Lleva unas gafas de sol = He's wearing sunglasses
¿Qué ropa llevas al gimnasio? = What clothes do you wear for the gym?
Llevo un chándal rojo y unas zapatillas de deporte negras = I wear a red tracksuit and black trainers
Possessive adjectives
Esa es mi prima Raquel = That's my cousin Raquel
Estas son mis primas Raquel y Juana = These are my cousins Raquen and Juana
Estas son nuestras primas Raquel y Juana = These are our cousins Raquen and Juana
Plural possessive adjectives
Mi = mis
Tu = tus
Su = sus
Nuestro = nuestros
Nuestra = nuestras
Vuestro = vuestros
Vuestra = vuestras
Su = sus
Español de bosillo
¿Y este niño?¿Quién es? = And who is this boy?
Es mi promo Luis = That's my cousin Luis
¿Y esta?¿Quién es? = And who's this?
Es mi hermana mayor = That's my eldest sister
Numbers 0-15
0 = cero 11 = once
1 = uno 12 = doce
2 = dos 13 = trece
3 = tres 14 = catorce
4 = cuatro 15 = quince
5 = cinco
6 = seis
7 = siete
8 = ocho
9 = nueve
10 = diez
Asking how many
¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? = How many brothers do you have?
¿Cuántas hermanas tienes? = How many sisters do you have?
Tener (to have)
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Él/ella, ustedes tiene
Nosotros/as tenemos
Vosotros/as tenéis
Ellos/ellas, ustedes tienen
Español de bolsillo
¿Cuántos hijos tienes? = How many children do you have?
Tengo cinco hijos: dos niñas y tres niños
¿Cómo son tus hijos? = What are your children like?
Using de to express possession
La casa de Patricio = the house of Patricio (Patricio's house)
El hijo de mi mujer = the son of my wife (my wife's son)
Numbers 16-100
16 = dieciséis 27 = veintisiete 100 = cien
17 = diecisiete 28 = veintiocho
18 = dieciocho 29 = diecinueve
19 = diecinueve 30 = treinta
20 = veinte 31 = treinta y uno
21 = veintiuno 40 = cuarenta
22 = veintidós 50 = cincuenta
23 = veintitrés 60 = sesenta
24 = veinticuatro 70 = setenta
25 = veinticinco 80 = ochenta
26 = veintiséis 90 = noventa
Expressing age
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo 43 años = I am 43 years old
Mi hermano tiene 25 años = My brother is 25 years old
Asking for and giving telephone numbers
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? = What's your phone number?
¿Tienes teléfono? = Do you have a phone number?
¿Cuál es el (número de) teléfono de...? = What is the phone number for...?
When giving phone numbers, group the digits in pairs, if it is uneven, the first is given separately.
How to spell out an email address
An email = un correro, un email or un mail
¿Cuál es tu dirección de correo electrónico? = What is your email address?
¿Cuál es tu email? = What is your email?
¿Tienes mail? = Do you have an email address?
@ = arroba
. = punto
- = guión
_ = guión bajo
/ = diagonal
\ = diagonal invertida
How to write a postal address
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , (primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto) tells you which floor (piso)
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , (primera, segunda, tercera, cuarta) tells you which door (puerta)
Calle Mirambeles (name of street), numero 23, 3 (floor), 2 (door)
07500 (postcode) Manacor (city)
Ordinal numbers
Primero | Primera
Segundo | Segunda
Tercero | Tercera
Cuarto | Cuarta
Quinto | Quinta
Sexto | Sexta
Séptomo | Séptima
Octavo | Octava
Noveno | Novena
Décimo | Décima
Questions with ordinal numbers
¿En qué piso vives? = Which floor do you live on?
En el cuarto (piso) B = On the fourth (floor) B
¿En qué planta vives? = Which floor do you live on?
En la cuarta (planta), segunda puerta = On the fourth (floor), second door
Primero and tercero lose the -o when used before a masculine noun:
¿En qué piso vives? En el tercero
¿En qué piso vives? En el tercer piso
Interrogative words
¿Cómo es tu oficina? = What is your office like?
¿Dónde trabajas? = Where do you work?
¿Qué escribes? = What are you writing?
¿Quién es el director? = Who is the director?
¿Cuál es tu dirección? = What is your address?
Cuál literally means which, but ¿Cuál es...? usually means what is
Dormitorio = bedroom
Comedor = dining room
Cocina = kitchen
Salón = living room
Cuarto de baño = bathroom
Pasillo = hall
Entrada = entrance
Terraza = terrace
Planta baja = basement
Primera/segunda planta = first/second floor
Ático = attic
Using adjectives to describe a room
Cómodo = comfortable Incómodo = uncomfortable
Luminoso = light Oscuro = dark
Acogedor = welcoming Frío = cold
Bonito/lindo = pretty Feo = ugly
Amplio = large Pequeño = small
Tranquilo = quiet Ruidoso = loud
Lujoso = luxurious Sencillo = simple
Different words for rooms
The wiords habitación and cuarto are used in a general sense to refer to any room in the house, but they can also mean 'bedroom', for which the precise word is dormitorio in Spain, pieza in parts of Latin America, and recámara in Mexico.
Sometimes English words are used to refer to rooms in a house; for example, el living in South America for el salón or la sala de estar. Baño is also a common abbreviation for cuarto de baño.
Using adjectives to describe a home
Singular un piso pequeño una casa antigua
Plural unos pisos pequeños unas casas antiguas
Using intensifiers
Muy = very
Bastante = fairly
Un poco = a little
La casa de mis papás no es nada ruidoso = my parents' house isn't at all noisy
Using exclamations
¡Qué bonito! = How beautiful!
¡Qué horrible! = How horrible!
Specifying requirements, needs and wishes
Necesito una casa grande = I need a big house
Quiero un aoartmento en Benidorm = I want an apartment in Benidorm
La casa debe estar cerca del centro = the house must be close to the centre
El hotel tiene que ser barato = the hotel has to be cheap
Español de bolsillo
¿Qué quiere alquilar? = What do you want to rent?
Quiero un apartmento en la playa = I'd like an apartment on the beach
Debe tener visitas bonitas = It must have beautiful views
Necesito un piso en el centro = I need a flat in the centre
Tiene que tener tres dormitorios = It has to have three bedrooms
No debe ser caro = It mustn't be expensive
Hay (there is/there are)
Hay un espejo = there is a mirror
Hay una cama = there is a bed
Hay unos libros = there are some books
Hay unas sillas = there are some chairs
Objects in rooms
Puerta = door Ventana = window
Silla = chair
Espejo = mirror
Lámpara = lamp
Alfombra = rug
Ordebador = computer
Mesa = desk
Mesilla = bedside table
Cama = bed
Estante = bookshelp
Armario = wardrobe
Estar (to be)
Yo = estoy
Tú = estás
Él/ella, usted = está
Nosotros/as = estamos
Vosotros/as = estáis
Ellos/ellas, ustedes = están
Numbers from 100
100 = cien 800 = ochocientos/as
101 = ciento uno/a 900 = novecientos/as
110 = ciento diez 1000 = mil
122 = ciento veintidós 1.300 = mil trescientos/as
154 = ciento cincuenta y cuatro 2000 = dos mil
200 = doscientos/as 1.000.000 = un millón
300 = trescientos/as 2.000.000 = dos millones
400 = cuatrocientos/as
500 = quinientos/as
600 = seiscientos/as
700 = setecientos/as
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