Geography AS - Coasts
- Created by: Lauren10124
- Created on: 27-01-16 19:26
- Land – relief, structure, sub aerial processes and shape
- Weather and Climate – wind strength and direction
- Sea – Coastal (marine) ecosystems, wave energy and direction
- Human Activities – use of land for development
- Geology: Harder rock (e.g. Granite) erodes slower and thus has a slower rate of erosion
- Wave energy and direction: Dictate erosion – e.g. destructive waves erode more and faster
- Longshore Drift: Longshore Drift results in a higher rate of erosion – as sediment moves away, which leaves an exposed cliff face.
- Biodiversity - Flatland and fertile soil
- Equable Climate
- Farming/ Agriculture
- Transport and trade
- Recreation and Tourism
Coral Reefs, Salt Marshes and Mangroves
- Salt Marshes – Farmland and a good place for bird nesting - contains creeks that reduce wave energy
- Coral Reefs – Biodiversity, coastal protection and tourism appeal - increased human activity and over-fishing damage them which leads to a decrease in tourism, loss of jobs and reduction in biodiversity
- Mangroves – habitats for wildlife and provide vital nurseries for young fish - protection against storms and flood surges
Coastal Defences
Hold down the line – Maintain or enhance existing defences – e.g. Sea Walls
Managed Retreat – Beach Replenishment, riprap and groynes (Coast-effective)
Do nothing – conscious decision – cost-effective and allows time for research
Advancing the line – moving coast forward (e.g. Japan) by draining areas of the sea
- Embankments: cheap and protect areas – but cause coastal squeeze
- Groynes: low cost and easily repaired – causes starvation downwind
- Riprap: effective, cheap and looks natural – expensive
- Cliff Regarding: works well in clay cliffs – uses up large areas of land
- Offshore Reefs: cost-effective and looks natural – lol and causes pollution
- Dune Regeneration: effective – public access control
- Beach Replenishment: natural looking – expensive and has ecological impacts
Coastal Defenses - Case Studies
Blackpool: (Hold the line)
- Concrete sea wall, access improved, high amounts of funding and south Blackpool uses sand dune regeneration
Abbotts Hall Farm: (Managed Retreat)
- 5 gaps made in old embankments whilst new embankments are built
- Nature tourism and more habitat
ICZM, SMP and Tsunamis
- ICZM: A plan for whole coastal area – e.g. Humber River and surrounding areas (e.g. Tourism, Industry, climate…)
- SMP: A plan for just one shoreline – e.g. The Holderness Coastline with smaller individual plans for each town
- Caused by mass displacement of water (e.g. underwater earthquakes)
- The shallow sea bed, near land, causes the wave to slow down and gain height. This causes the Tsunami to become a “wall” of water
Sea Level Rise and Thames Estuary
Caused by Climate Change - which results in bigger storm surges and more common localised flooding
Consequences: Coastal flooding results in loss of habitat, loss of life and damaged property
Solutions: More maintenance of coastal defences (e.g. Curved sea walls) and construction of more enhanced sea defences
Thames Estuary and Barrier:
- The Thames Barrier: Protects inner London from high storm surges by raising a large barrier when high sea levels are triggered.
- The Thames Estuary: An area of land in front of the Thames Barrier put on development for housing – has a large risk of flooding due to being located on a Floodplains
Case Studies
Case Study: Dibden Bay
- Dibden Bay is an area of land developed for a shipping container port, with consequences and benefits to the surrounding area.
- Consequences: Large amounts of pollution, increased congestion, damage to local environment…
- Benefits: Increase in local employment, economic boost, development to local area – e.g. better quality roads for locals…
Case Study: Heritage (e.g. Dorset Coast)
Geology: The Dorset Coast has many varying rock types which alternate. These cause the formation of bays or small coves – e.g. Lulworth Cove
Ecology: The Dorset Coastline contains sites of dune, which house rare plants and many species of birds. Inland cattle grazing and some housing.
Case Studies
Case Study: Blackpool and Lancashire Coastal Plain
- Geology – (coal, iron and clay) provides supplies and economic opportunities
- Flat land allows railway construction and tourism
- Foreshore allows leisure facilities construction - Agriculture
- Estuaries allow defensive sites
Case Study: Bournemouth, UK
- Traditional Victorian resorts
- Flat land – easy to build on and attracts elderly tourists
- Some deprived areas
Case Study: Benidorm, Spain
- Lots of greenery and 3 large, blue –flag status beaches - many tourists
- Nightlife and young tourists
- Summer package holidays
Case Study - Holderness Coastline
- Flamborough Head: Hard Rock (not protected)
- Alderbrough: no defence
- Mapleton: low defence – e.g. wooden Groynes
- Easington: High levels of defence due to national Gas Terminal – e.g. Sea Walls, Groynes…)
- Spern Point: no defence – e.g. “Do nothing” management strategy
Primary: Researcher collecting data themselves – e.g. questionnaires, scientific methods…
Secondary: Researcher find data from a secondary source (e.g. website) – data from council sites
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