Challenge a schizphrenics disorted beliefs, such as believing their thoughts are being controlled by somebody or something else.
Help the patient identify and correct their disorted or maladaptive beliefs
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Therapist traces the origins of the patients symptoms to see how they might have developed.
The therapist evaluates the content of any delusions or voices and demosnstrates they are not real.
Patient and therapist dvelop their own alternatives to previous maladaptive beliefs.
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AO2 1 Gould et al
Meta analysis of 7 studies.
Cbt decreased the +ve symptoms in ALL studies.
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AO2 2 Combining techniques
Kulpers et al - significant reduction in +ve symptoms following having CBT combined with AP medication.
Lower rate of patient drop out
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AO2 3 Appropriateness of CBT
helps create less distressing explanations for their psychotic beliefs rather than eliminate distressing beliefs all together.
Patients may want to keep some behaviours as they act as a safety net - especially some -ve symptoms, such as affective flattering.
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AO1 4 Suitability
Hampshire et al - not all patients engage in the therapy.
Older patients are less suitable
Maladaptive thinking will not change if they do not engage.
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AO1 3 Psychoanalysis
individuals are often unaware of the influence of unconscious conflicts on their psychological state.
assumes all symptoms are meaningful and reflect unconscious conflicts that must be brought into the conscious mind to be resolved.
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AO1 4 Psychoanalysis
therapist replaces harsh and punishing conscience with one that is less destructive and more supportive.
As the patient gets healthier they take a more active role in their own recovering.
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AO2 5 Psychodynamic effectiveness
Gottdeiner et al - meta analysis
PD therapy was effective for SZ
However - small number of studies meant it was difficult to asses the impact of variables e.g. therapist training.
Half the studies did not randomly allocate to conditions - treatment bias.
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AO2 6 Combining treatments
May - psychodynamic therapy + medication had better outcomes than just therapy alone.
AP medication alone was better than therapy alone.
Karon and VandenBos - patients receiving only therapy were improving more than those receiving just medication.
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AO2 7 Expense
Psychodyamic therapy takes a long time.
Expense cannot be justified as research has found that it is no more effective than medication.
However, extra expense is worth it as the overall cost of treatment decreases with time as patients are less likely to seek inpatient treatment and are more likely to gain employment.
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