Settlements: Places where people live. They can be just one building - isloated dwelling - up to large cities, conurbations or megalopolises where many cities have merged together.
Conurbation: A continuous urban area. when a city has grown to include the surrounding towns. E.g Poleglass
Megalopolises: Where two or more cities grow and meet. E.g Boston
A settlement may be permanent or temporary; EG refugee camps are temporary but may become permanent
Site: Land on which the settlement is built
Most of the needs of the people were related to the physical geography of the site: shape of the land and closeness to the water, shelter and defence.
Wet Point Site: Close to water supply
Defence Site: Easy to defend from attacking tribes. EG top of hill or inside a wide river meander
Bridging Point Site: Where it is easy to cross a river. Can be useful for defence and where places were trading routes came together.
Dry Point Site: These are away from the risk of flooding
Aspect: Settlements are often found in a gap between two areas of higher ground
Trading Centres: Often settlements grow where natural route ways and rivers meet, which helps the development of roads, railways and canals
Fuel Supply: Coal, oil and wood
Food Supply: Crops, animals and farms
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