- Created by: courtneyl_42
- Created on: 23-02-16 18:13
- 14 lines
- Iambic pentamter - 10 syllables per line
- A lyric poem dealing with love and emotions - traditionally love and praise of a lover (Shakespeare changed this and introduced time, morality, jealousy, joy...)
- The Petrarchan Sonnet - 14 lines divided into two parts: an 8-line section is called an octave and a 6-line section is called a sestet. A volta is where the poet's argument changes and there is a resolution.
- The Shakespearean Form - 14 lines divided into 3 quatrains and a rhyming couplet (ABABCDCDEFEFGG).
- Studied poets - Shakespeare and Bartholomew Griffin.
Love through the Ages
- His 154 sonnets deal with themes such as love, passing of time, beauty and mortality.
- 'Characters' of the sonnets are usually the Fair Youth (platonic, possible homosexual love) and the Dark Lady (sexual love).
- Violated many sonnet rules - plays with gender roles, speaks on human evils, political events, makes fun of love, speaks openly about sex, parodies beauty and introduces witty ***********.
- Sonnets studied - "Sonnet 12", "Sonnet 18", "Sonnet 116" and "Sonnet 130".
- Use an extended metaphor or "conceit".
- Contrasts and compares metaphysical (spiritual or abstract) ideas to concrete things.
- Images might be drawn from science, maths and astronomy. (contemporary - at the time).
- Shocking imagery is used to challenge conventional romanticised ideas of love (far-fetched comparisons).
- Use of hyperbole to exaggerate images/ideas.
- They create a logical argument, also known as a syllogism.
- Studied poets - John Donne, Christopher Marlowe and Andrew Marvell.
John Donne
- During and after his education, Donne spent much of his considerable inheritance on women, literature, pastimes and travel.
- He fell in love with Anne More and they were secretly married, when found out he lost his job and was sent to Fleet Prison.
- He and Anne had 10 surviving children but Anne died 5 days after the birth of their 12th, a still born baby.
- Donne mourned her deeply, and wrote of his love and loss in his 17th Holy Sonnet.
- Studied poems - "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and "The Sun Rising".
Love through the Ages
John Donne
- Around the second half of the 18th Century.
- Complex, artistic, literary, itellectual and natural.
- "Liberalism in literature" - freeing an artist from restraints and the encouragment of revolutionary ideas.
- Revival of medievalism in art, letters and life.
- "A psychological desire to escape from unpleasant realities" - imagination/fantasy.
- Studied poets - Samual Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and John Keats.
Love through the Ages
Lord Byron
Lord Byron
- "Mad, bad and dangerous to know"- Lady Caroline Lamb.
Bisexual (shocking at the time).
A part of many love affairs.
He used iambic tetrameter - 4 feet/ 8 syllables (associated with sincerity and simplicity which might reflect Byron's yearning for purity and simplicity embodied in Mrs Wilmot).
- Studied poems- "We'll go no more a-roving" and "She Walks in Beauty".
Love through the Ages
John Keats
John Keats
Lost his father, mother and brother to tuberculosis and died of it himself at the age of 25.
Moved house and fell in love with his neighbour Fanny Brawne.
Much of his poetry was about her but the tone shifted as his illness worsened and his death grew nearer.
Studied poems - "Ode to a Nightingale", "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", "Bright Star", "Lamia" (extract) and "When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Exist".
- Key themes in the Victorian era are strictness, religion, modest views, decadance (for example, 'showy' Victorian houses), they had a changing society (new development innovations) and conflicting views.
- Poetry became easier to understand and dramatic monologues began to develop.
- Victorians were very strict on sex and relationships and it wasn't talked about openly.
- Gender roles were clearly defined which made it strange when poets went against them.
- Poets studied - Thomas Hardy, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Christina Rossetti, Robert Browning and Emily Dickinson.
Love through the Ages
Robert Browning
Robert Browning
- Well-educated and was brought up as a Christian but later refused this which could have affected his work.
- He met with poet Elizabeth Barrett in secret due to fear of her father's disapproval and then married the next year.
- They moved to Italy and had a son where they both continued to write, but both died there years on.
- The Italian Renaissance fascinated Browning and others because it represented the appreciation of beauty in humans, religion and morals.
- Studied poems - "My Last Duchess", "A Woman's Last Word", "Meeting at Night" and "Porphyria's Lover".
Love through the Ages
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy
- Fell in love with Emma Lavina Gifford who he married. After Emma's death, Hardy dedicated a selection of poems to her and visited places that reminded him of her.
- He married Emily Dugdale who was 39 years young than him, however he remained preoccupied with Emma's death and continued to write poems about her.
- Victorian realist, criticizes Victorian society, war, disappointment in love and life, irony and ghosts/spirits.
- He wrote; lyrics, ballads, dramatic monologues and satires.
- Studied poems - "The Voice".
Love through the Ages
Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
- Educated at home about religious works, classics, fairytales and novels but sufferred a nervous breakdown as a teenager labelled "religious mania".
- Lived as a 'spinster' (never married).
- Explores contrasting themes like female identity, opression, marraige and the power struggle between men and women, women's education, employment opportunities, sexuality, psychology and the right to vote.
- Tension between earthly passions and divine love.
- Studied poems - "A Birthday".
Love through the Ages
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
- American poet who lived in New England.
- Shy, introvert, never married, isolated.
- She left home early, her new location was kept secret and she was strict on who she saw in private (suggests rebellion at this time).
- Private poet - less than a dozen of her 1800 poems were published and they were often altered by publishers to make them more conventional.
- Short lines, lack of a title, slant rhymes, death, immortality and unconventional capitalisation and punctuation.
- Studied poems - "Love's Stricken 'why'" and "My life closed twice".
Love through the Ages
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Used a wide range of themes ranging from medieval legends to classical myths and from domestic situations to observations of nature.
- He was influenced by John Keats and other Romantic poets which is evident in the richness of his imagery and descriptive writing.
- He used the musical quality of rhyming words and so many of his poems have been recored as songs.
- He reflects a concern common among Victorian writers in being in the conflict of religious faith and expanding scientific knowledge.
- Studied poems - "Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white".
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