Writer: Gerard Manley Hopkins. He is a priest so is obviously very religious,
Summary: This poem is about Hopkins thanking God for animals who are dappled, spotted and have two or more colours. Also, in the poem there is the idea of humans and nautre working together to create beauty but it was God's hand who created humans and animals so he created the beauty which he is seeing so is expressing his gratitiude to God for making all the beautiful things that we see now in this world.
Form: It is a curtal sonnet. A sonnet is a traditionnel love poem which shows the writer's love for nature and for God. The rhyming scheme is ABCABC DBEDE but it as intended which could portray the different wealths or class of the world which he is trying to link together and express the feelingg that there is room for everyone in the Kingdom of God and God sees all and looks after all, despite the amount of wealth or status. The mysterious rhyming scheme could be linked to how mysterious God is and we dont undersrtand why he oftern does things.
Tone: Thankful for all the beautiful things, especially the unique and mysterious things of this world and addresses the issues of how we see God from a human's persepective, in awe, amazed and in love with nature,
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