Measurements and uncertainties - fundamental units
length - metre - m
mass - kilogram - kg
time - second - s
electric current - ampere - A
thermodynamic temperature - kelvin - K
amount of substance - mole - mol
luminous intensity - candela - cd
Fundamental units always stay the same, are readily accessible for comparison, are reproducible all over the world so people can check their instruments
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Fundamental Units derivations
Metre - length of path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,453 seconds
Kg - mass of a piece of platinum iridium alloy kept in Sevres (France)
Second - time for 9,192,631,770 vibrations of a Ceasium-133 atom
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macro v micro
Macroscopic - visible to the naked eye e.g. a person's height
Microscopic - can be inferred from electron diffraction e.g. diameter of an atom
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Fundamental and derived units
Frequency - f or v - hertz - 1/s
Force - F - Newton - kgms^-2
Work - W - Joule - kg m^2 s^-2 - Nm
Energy - Q - Joule - Nm
Power - P - Watt - kg m^2 s^-3 - Js^-1
Pressure - P - Pascal - kg/ms^-2 - Nm^-2
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Fundamental and derived units
Charge - Q - Coulomb - As
Potential difference - V - Volt - Kg m^2 s^-3 / A - J/C
Resistance - R - Ohm - Kg m^2 s^-3 A^-2 - V/A
Magnetic Field Intensity - B - Tesla - Kg s^-3 /A - N/A/m
Magnetic Flux - Weber - Kg m^2 s^-2 A^-2 - Tm^2
Activity - A - Bequerel - 1/s
Absorbed Dose - W/m - Gray - m^2 s^-2 - J/Kg
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Prefixes - 10^x
3 - kilo - k
6 - mega - M
9 - giga - G
12 - tera - T
15 - peta - P
18 - exa - E
21 - zetta - Z
24 - yotta - Y
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Prefixes - 10^x
-3 - milli
-6 - micro
-9 - nano
-12 - pico
-15 - femto
-18 - atto
-21 - zepto
-24 - yocto
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random and systematic error
Random - Due to variations in the performance of instruments and operator. Reduced by taking repeats and averaging. A precise experiment has low random error.
Systematic - Due to poorly calibrated or bad quality instruments. Consistent error. An accurate experiment has low systematic error.
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Significant figures
An answer cannot have more s.f. than any of the figures in the calculation.
Round off to the correct number of s.f. in the last step of any calculation.
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