Physical Ecudation, Historical studies
1) Popular Recreation in Pre-industrial Britian
2) Rational recreation in post-industrial Britain
3)Nineteenth- centry public schoolas and their impact on elementary schools
4) Case studys
5) Drill, physical training and physical education in state schools
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- Created by: Nicholas John Fox
- Created on: 29-04-10 11:12
Popular Recreation
- Popular recreation:
- Local: Limited transport communications
- Unwritten rules/simple: Illetracy, no NGB's only played locally
- Courtly popular: Pre industrial britian was predominantly a two class socity, based on the feudal system
- Irregular (occasional): Free time for recreation on Holy days and annual holidays
- Cruel Violent: Reflecting the harshness of eithteenth century and rural life
- Rural: Before the industrial revolution, Britian was agricultural
- Occupational: Work often became the basis for sport
- Wagering: A chance to go from rags to riches or too show off
- Simple: Lack of technolighy, purpose-bily facilities
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Popular rescration, pre industrial Britian
- Eighteenth Centry (1700-1800)
- Associated with lower class's ie.peasents.
- It reflects the socity, life and time in which it wxisted.
- Diffent class's rarley shared activities apart from **** fighting ect. And when upper class's where patrons to sports or wagerd
- Class and gender where vital factors for affecting opportunities for participation (affected by Oppotunity, provision, esteem)
- Activites for upper class's were often sophisticated, expensive for lower class's however for lower class's activities were often simple, accesable and inexpensive
- Church: The puritian ethic gave way to the work ethioc whereby leisure pursuits were acceptable pnly in that they restored people for work.
- 18th Century life: Tough, pub was centre of village life, badger baiting/ bare knuckle fights, Landlords often provided prizes and primitive equipment, sports used pubs as base
- Direct link= festivals,illegally staged fist fights, blood sports, e.g. Cricket was designed as for all class's and the ECB stress's it is till that way
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Post industrial Britian
- New middle class became dominant
- Rural peasents had migrated to towns finding work in factories
- Industrial revolutions. agrarian and urban revolutions
- Massive changes to farming resulting in less jobs
First half of the 19thC
- Emergence of a poewfull, wealthy middle class
- Industrialists employed large workfources
- Rural jobs became harder to find as the use of new agriculture machinery became more extensive
- Cities were overcrowded, with rented unhygenic rooms
- Poor living conditions, regular work patterns and excessie work hours took hold as peoples space, energy and time were eroded.
- A new culture of respect and new surrounding sore games adapting and now festivals
- New culture of respect and moderatione ie.RSPCA
- Railway
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Characteristics of rational recreation
- Fair play: Public School influence
- Amateurisim: Class structure/ spectatorism
- Control of gambling: Increased law and order
- Exclusive/elitist: Social class and gender discrimination
- Purpose-built facilities: Technological advancment
- Urban/ suburban: The revolutions
- Codification/administration: Buisness and administration: Business and adminstration skills/ ex-public school boys
- Regular: Increased free time and improved transport
- Regional/ national:improved
- Respectable: middle class influence
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Post industrial Briatian
The second half of the 19th century
- Improved oppotunity and provision, dur to reform and improvement and inc. freedom
- Earnings improved, work hours were reduced
- Industrialists wanted as healthy work fource so offerd social, sporting recreation
- Annual excersion trips to the sea side
- Codified games such as rugby football came from Ox
- Municipal parks and urban swimminig baths for lower class's.
- Improved transport and communictaions were the greatest causes of changes to sport.
- Increased chance to take part and watch
- Able to take people further
- Therefore standardised set of regulations and rules
- Class determined income, housing, lifestyle and sporting oppotunities
- Saturday half day and early closing movement.
- Parliment wanted to reduce working hours especially in shops
- Between 1870-1890 most workers have been given their half day of freedom on saturday afternoon
- 1890's a paid weeks holiday was common
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Nineteenth- centry public schools and their impact
Clarnedon report: To enquire into the nature and application of the endowments,funds and revenue belonging to or recieved by the colleges
- Boarding:Time available which was increasingly spent playing games
- Expanding: As numbers increased houses were wjich became the hub of games
- Endowed: Well endowed schools that recieved large gofts of money or property could build facilities and employ more assistant masters and coaching professionals
- Non-local: A great varity of regional games were adopted and adapted by individual skills
- Gentry: influential families brought status and money and influenced the tyoes of activities brought into schools.
- Boys: Great energy and enthusiasm to be channeld into games
- Spartan:Harsh treatment and living conditions prepared boys for the rigours and competitive sport of adult life
- Controlled by trustees: Trustees were influential people keen to promote the school, so keen to incest in sporting success.
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The three development stages of athleticism
- Schools were institions in their own right
- Public schools reflected changes that were happening in socity
- By mid 19th Centry the RSPCA was succefully reducing cruelty, police and changing manners and tastes reduced bare fist fights
- Headmasters were keen to be seen as enlightend,
- Stage one (early 19th C)= Boy culture,bullying,brutality
- Stage two (Mid 19th C)= Dr. Arnold, social control
- Stage three (late 19thC)= Atheltecisim. spread of team games
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Stage One (1790-1824)
- Brutal, to such extremes as blood sports and bare fist fighting
- "Boy culture" reflected coonfrontational behaviour of the french and American revolutions
- Absence of plice fource ment unrest was delt with by the army
- Recreational activities organised by boys for pure enjoyment and to relieve boredom
- Masters beat children and couldnt give a toss outside lessons
- Increasing number of upper class boys enrolled in preparatory schoold bringing theor customs
- "Melting pot" = Varity of areas were mixed and moulded into schoolboy games that were to become future traditions
- Expansion of house system and more social control
- Games and sports would ultimatly provide the medium for social control
- Instutional popular recreation, with activites ranging from childlike(hoops) to barbaric(Bare knuckle fights)
- Cricket, the rural game already codified and played by both classes was immidatly adopted by the schoold while fox hunting was adapted to hare and hounds
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Stage two (1828-1842)
- Time of change both in socity and at large in english public schools.
- Transport and communications were dramatically developing.
- freedom and wild escapades of stage one became more and more out of place.
- Dr Thomas Arnold: Headmaster of rugby, become obsessed by the immortality and sinfulness of boys and was determined to reform them
- Arnold used games as a vehicle for establishing social control
- Used church to establish a moral code (muscular christianity)
- More trusting and sympathetic relationship with sixthformers to become role models
- Masters gradually adopted roles of mentor and guide
- Games of interhouse/interhouse cricket kept boys out of troubleas they were snet to bed exhauseted.
- Muscular chritianity is a combination of godliness and manliness
- Games were reformed along with the schools in whicg they existed
- Schools and their games grew in status as they opend themselves to reforms
- Growth of house systems
- restrictions on bullying on brutality
- games to achieve social control
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Stage three(1842-1914)
- Magnificent games feilds were symbols of athleticism- the combination of physical endevour with moral integrity.
- Specialist facilities such squash courts.
- Land was bought and schools re-located purpously to aquire more spce for team games
- Games no a longer a vehicle for social control but as a vehicle for developing the character or the boys who played them.
- The second melting pot was begining to operate ie. the mixing of games and traditions from a varity of schools and universitys,
- The impact of games- playing oxbridge graduates returnuing to their schools as assistant masters was important
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Ex-public school boys
Ex public school boys became:
- Teachers: Often at school they studied at
- Industrialits: Keen to spread the values of athleticism to their workfource
- Parents: Influencing their own children, often sending them to their old school
- Community leaders/ politicians: Perhaps in local government or donating money to the town
- Community members: Establishing, running and playing for locaql sports clubs
- Army officers: Increasing the morale and fitness of their soliders taking british games abroad
- Vicars/priests: Supporting their parishners in the formation of youth clubs and parish teams
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Football through the stages of schools
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