Group 1 are the alkali metals - these are silvery solids that are so reactive that they must be stored in oil and haandled with forceps.
As you go down the group, the metals become more reactive - this is because the outer electron is more easilylost as its further from the nucleus.
Also, as you go down the group, the metals have lower melting and boiling points.
Alkali metals have low densities... lithium, sodium and postassium are less dense than water.
All alkali metal atoms have one outer electron - keen to lose therefore, very reactive
Alkali metals form ionic compoumd with non-metals - they produce white compound that dissolve in water to form colourless solutions.
Li, Na, K react vigorously with water - float, move, fizz. This reaction produces hydrogen, K gets so hot it ignites it. Alighted splint indicates hydrogen by producing a 'squeaky pop' when hydogen ignites.
They form hydroxides in water - alkaline solutions.
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