Health- A state of complete PHYSICAL, SOCIAL and MENTAL well-being and not merrily absense of disease.

  • Promote Physical Health-Eat a balanced diet
  • Regular excercise
  • get sufficent sleep

Physical Well-being-Looking after your body and doing the right  things to keep it in good working order so that you can cope with the everyday demands
Mental Well-being-Looing after your brain and doing the right thing to keep it in the right working order so it can cope with everyday demands 
Social Well-being-Caring for others and behaving in an appropriate way with them

  • Created by: Adamjunk
  • Created on: 10-05-17 18:14

Health Chapter 1

Health- A state of complete PHYSICALSOCIAL and MENTAL well-being and not merrily absense of disease.

  • Promote Physical Health-Eat a balanced diet
  • Regular excercise
  • get sufficent sleep

Physical Well-being-Looking after your body and doing the right  things to keep it in good working order so that you can cope with the everyday demands
Mental Well-being-Looing after your brain and doing the right thing to keep it in the right working order so it can cope with everyday demands 
Social Well-being-Caring for others and behaving in an appropriate way with them

Physical Fitness- Is the ability to perform physical tasks efficently and effectively

Fit For What- Being fit for one sport but not another e.g. Shot putt and marathon runner

Excercise develops physical or well-being health
Training develops peak fitness

Skilled Performance-Learnt ability to bring out a predetermined result with maximum certainty and efficently 

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Lifestyle Chapter 2

7 Components Of A Balanced Diet

  • Carbs                        60%        
  • Fats                          25%
  • Proteins                    15%
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Fibre
  • Water

Nicotine is poison, addictive and makes heart rate and blood pressure rise
Tar carries irritants which narrow the bronchioles and damage cilia

Carbon Monoxide is picked up instead of the oxygen in the blood
Short Term Effects- Addiction & Harder to breathe
Long Term Effects- Lung cancer & Heart attack
Short Term Effects-
Coordination, judgements and speech
Long Term Effects-Balance and speech
Health Problems- Depression, Obesity and Liver damage


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Lifestyle Chapter 2.2

Rest is a period of time when you consciously try and get the mind or body to be inactive
Sleep is a time of rest during which yuo consciousness of the world suspended
Lifestyle Factors Which Can Affect Sleep- Diet,Tobacco,Alcohol,Drugs & Excercise
Sleep allows muscle growth, normal growth and memory help

Success- Is when an outcome has been favourably achived for some people it could be enjoying themselves or to win competetions
Enjoyment- Act of recieving pleasuer from something

Extroverts- Are outgoing and mix well with other people and are confident about themselves, live a thrill
Introverts-Are shy and dont mix well with other people, they prefer activities that dont invovle physical contact
Cultural Heritage-Pssing on or shared traditons from one tradition to another, they can be national, local or family based.With your parents starting you off at a young age and following on with it will give more enjoyment,
Affects Of Playing At A Club- 

  • Facilities
  • Work Lesiure balance
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Exercise and Training Chapter 3


  • Can help control negative habits
  • Can help with rest/sleep
  • Relieve stress
    Components of Excercise & Physical Excercise
  • Aerobic energy
  • Anaerobic energy
  • Muscular power
  • Muscular strength
  • Muscular speed
  • Muscular endurance
  • Flexibility 
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Components Of Exercise Definitions

Muscular Power- Able to produce maximum force or a considerable force with speed in an explosive effort

Aerobic Energy-Using oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during excercise via aerobic metabilsim

Muscular Stength-Able to lift,push,pull or move heavy things easily

Anaerobic Energy-Used for fast,powerful bursts of energy, for which the aerobic system is insufficent, without oxygen

Muscular Speed-Able to apply a moderate to high speed in a short time

Muscular Endurance-Able to keep repeating a movement fot a long period of time

Flexibility-Able to twist, turn and stretch easily 

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Chapter 4

Intensity-How hard you work
Time-How long you work
Repetition-A short burst of work or an exercise being performed once
Set-The number of repetions done in a row

  • Isotonic Weight Training
  • Circuit Training
  • Assualt Course Type Training
  • Isometric Training 
    Involves a muscle group of muscles working against a resistance and movement of the body takes place.
    Involves working the body by doing a series of different exercises in a sequence
    Involves working the muscles by getting over, under and through objects
    Involves a mscle group of muscles working against a resistance but no body parts will move
    RM-Repetition Maximum, the highest amount of weight you lift a certain amount of times
    Flexibility-How far your joints move which depens onthe elasticity of your muscles
    Helps avoiding injuries,prepare for exercise, better posture
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