womens effect on nature, damnation of women, sinful, fall of man, at one with nature, body and spirit, religion, pastoral lifestyle, idyll, garden of Eden, heavenly, bliss
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The Mower, against Gardens- Andrew Marvell
"Luxurious man... did after him the world seduce"
"where nature was most plain and pure"
"with strange perfumes he did the roses taint"
"flowers themselves were taught to paint"
"forbidden mixtures"
"adulterate fruit"
mans control over gardens, artificial, not what god intended, nature most pure when left to grow oganically, lustful, luxury, materialistic, sinful, interbreeding
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The Mower's Song- Andrew Marvell
"when Juliana came, and she what I do to the grass, does my thoughts and me."
"but these, while I with sorrow pine, grew more luxuriant still and fine"
"unthankful meadows"
"in one common ruin fall"
"I will adorn my tomb"
fall of man, nature does not reflect his feelings, although he is sad nature continues to grow happily and freely, all because a woman tempted him and said she did not love him, sinful women who tempt- Eve, wants to die, suicide?
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The Mower to the Glow-Worms- Andrew Marvell
"your courteous lights in vain you waste"
"for she my mind hath so displaced"
"I shall never fond my home"
destructive and distracting nature of love,
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Paradise Lost, Book IX- John Milton
"this garden, still to tend plant, herb, and flower, our pleasant task enjoined"
"looks intervene and smile"
"God hath asigned us"
messing with nature, Eden, Adam and Eve, temptress, sinful.
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