A Farmer sowed his seed, some seed fell on the path
It was trampled on and eaten by birds
Some seed fell on rocky ground - it died because it had no moisture
Some seed fell amongst thorns - it grew a little but was then choked by the thorns
Some seed fell on good soil- this seed yielded up 100x more seed than was sewn
Jesus explained the Parable
1: the seed is the word of GOD
2: The seed on the path is like people who do not believe because the devil makes them disbelieve
3: The seed on the Rocky Ground is like the people who receive the word with joy but they have no stamina and when life gets difficult and testing they give up.
4: The seed amongst the thorns is like people who after a while find life's cares and desire for money choking their faith
5: The seed in the good soil is like those that have Good and noble hearts. They persevere and flourish
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