Organic Chemistry Reactions Organic chemistry reactions needed for WJEC. 3.5 / 5 based on 8 ratings ? ChemistryReactionsASAll boards Created by: Former MemberCreated on: 23-04-12 19:53 Elimination Reaction Elimination Reaction HALOGENALKANE ----------------> ALKENE NaOH in ethanol-----> REFLUX I.E bromoethane + NaOH ---------> ethene + NaBr + H2O 1 of 7 Oxidation Reaction Oxidation Reaction ALCOHOL--------------> CARBOXYLIC ACID Acidified potassium dichromate which changes from orange to green Reflux 2 of 7 Hydrogenation Hydrogenation ALKENE ----------------> ALKANE Hydrogen ( H2 ) , nickel cataylst, 150 degrees 3 of 7 Nucleophilic Substitution Nucleophilic Substitution HALOGENALKANE -----------------> ALCOHOL Aqueous NaOH, reflux Remember---> draw delta + & - on mechanisms 4 of 7 Electrophilic Addition Electrophilic Addition ALKENE------------------> HALOGENALKANE -Hetrolytic bond fission. -Carbocations-- favors most stable route, leads to major/minor products 5 of 7 Dehydration Dehydration ALCOHOL-----------------> ALKENE -Concentrated phosphoric acid -heat 6 of 7 Free Radical Substitution Free Radical Substitution ALKANE--------------> HALOGENALKANE Initiation CH4 ------------> CH3Cl ( UV light ) Propagation Cl` +CH4 ---------------> CH3` + HCl CH3` + Cl2 ----------------> CHCl + Cl` Termination CH3` + Cl` ---------> CH3Cl 7 of 7
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