optimising performance and evaluating contemporary issues
- Created by: millietronnolone
- Created on: 08-10-15 15:11
- part of balanced diet
- avoids dehydration
- 50-60% body mass
- regulate body temperature
- carries nutrients and oxygen to cells in plasma
- converts food to energy
- aids respiration
- removes waste
- protects/cushions vital organs
- ions of salt
- ions are electrically charged particles
- dehyration occurs when amount of water falls below normal disrupting electrolytes
electroyltic balance
- concentration of eletrolytes within fluids of the body
- loss of water through;waste products,sweating and exhaling
- changes electrolytic balance
problems if electrolytic balance is unbalanced
- drowisness and vision impairment
- muscle weakness,fatigue and cramps
- interference with neural control of heart (abnormal rhythm)
what is it?
- links with the energy system
- energy is in the form of ATP (helps aid resynthesis of ATP)
- ATP-------> ADP + P + energy
- PC---------> P + C + energy
why take it?
- increase phosphocreatine stores (PC)
- used by sprinters,weightlifters (high intensity activities)
- mixed evidence to show positive benefits
side effects
- muscle cramps
- diarrhoea/vomitting
- water rentention
- psychological effects
protein supplements
what is it?
- used for growth and repair of muscles
- protein drink is 70% protein
Why take it?
- build more muscle mass
- maybe needed by vegetarian to supplement diet
- not needed if you have a balanced diet
side effects
- liver,heart and kidney problems (if overused)
- cramps
- vomitting and diarrhoea
herbal remedies
what is it?
- use of plants/extracts
- administered via oils and infusions
- e.g. arnica (reduce muscle soreness)
what is it?
- stimulant (not banned)
- can extent prolonged exercise by using fats to produce ATP
- against the rules in large quantities
- acts as a diuretic ( makes you wee)
why take it?
- used by endurance athletes/games players
- increase mental altertness
- reduces effects of fatigue
- allows performer to continue at a higher intensity for longer
- improve reaction time/decision making (overall better performance)
side effects
- anxiety
- addiction
- stomach upsets
- loss of fine control
bicarbonate of soda
what is it?
- white soluble compound used in effervescent drinks/antacid
- soda loading- to delay the onset of fatigue during anaerobic exercise
- natural bicarbonate (part of buffering)
- ablitity of blood to compensate for increase in H ions and maintain pH
- H ions diffusing from muscle cells
- increased bicarbonate H ions out quicker
why take it?
- athletes can work harder (exercise can continue)
- events between 1-7 mins at near max intensity
- sports with repeated anaerobic burst (games players)
- interval training
- calculate amount to be taken and divide into 5 doses
- take at 30 min intervals 9start 3hrs before)
side effects
- stomach cramps
- diarrhoea
temperature impact
- regulation temperature (36-37 degrees)
temperature warming
- clothing
- shivering
- sufficient energy through food
- below 35 degrees (hypothermia)
temperature cooling
- vasodilation (blood vessles dialte/open)
- sweating
- evaporation
glycaemix index
- system ranking carbohydrates based on how quickly they are converted to glucose and enter the bloodstream
maintaining the balance (before)
- snack/meal (2-4 hrs before)
- drink (4-600ml 2-3hrs before)
- 150-350ml 15 mins before)
- drink whenever possible
- carbs with higher glycaemic index absorbed more quickly
- restore water and electrolytic balance
- replenish carbohyrdates
electrolytic balance
problems if the electrolytic balance is not maintained
- increase in heart rate
- increas in viscosity (too thick can lead to blockages)
- less blood and oxygen to muscles
- increase in body temperature
- slows reaction time and decision making
- muscle cramps (build up of lactic acid,slat and lack of oxygen)
- muscle fatigue
- build up of latic acid
- irregular heart beat (amount of blood isnt consistent)
performers and optimal weight gain
- weight (kg) divided height squared (m)
body fat
- amount of fat you have in your body
measuring body fat
- skin fold calipours
- bio electrical impedence
manipulating body fat
- diet
- training
anabolic steroids (testosterone)
what is it?
- hormone that increases protein use and muscle cell production
- increase synthesis of protein within muscle cells (build up of muscle tissue)
- decrease in fat muscles
side effects
- liver and kidney tumours
- high blood pressure
- increased cholesterol
- damages peripheral nerves in body
anabolic steriods contiued
who would take it?
- power athletes
how is it taken?
- either taken orally or imjected
how does it work?
- decrease amount of fat in muscle and causes decline in breakdown rate of muscle building proteins/speeds up recovery time
- allows heavier training regimes
- aids storage of protein
- builds muscle tissue
- train for longer and at a higher intensity
Human growth hormone (HGH)
what is it?
- artifical human growth hormone,when produces using recombinant DNA, this looks identical to the natural hormone
- enhances performance of explosive activities by increasing muscle mass (building more muscle) and repairing bones (train more),ligaments and tendons
side effects
- joint swelling and pain (more fluid)
- high blood pressure
- abnormal bone and cartilage growth
- irregular heart rhythms
- increased risk of diabetes
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) continued
who would take it?
- shot put
- weightlifters
- (power athletes)
How is it taken?
- by injecting it into the skin
how does it work?
- regulates growth,controls the turn over of muscle bone and collagen and the regulation of fat metabolism
exercise seen as a stimulant
Beta blockers
what is it?
- blocks the release of adrenaline,causing HR to stay low and helping the performer stay calm by reducing tension
- blocks adrenaline/noradrenaline
- reduces tension and calms performer
- causes arteries to widen,slow action of heart and decrease its force of contraction
- reduces blood pressure and reduced workload for the heart
side effects
- tiredness/sleep disturbance
- cold hands and feet
- dizziness
- diarrhoea and sickness
Beta blockers continued
who would take it?
- archery/shooting athletes
how is it taken?
- orally
how does it work?
- causes vasodilation,slow action of heart and decreases its force of contraction
EPO (erythropoietin)
What is it?
- naturally occuring hormone responsible for regulation of red blood cell production
- increse red blood cell count
- can carry more oxygen
- aerobic respiration more efficient increase VO2 max
- linked with altitude training (more Hb for 6 weeks)
Side effects
- increased risk of heart disease
- blood more viscous (greater strain on heart,clotting)
- headaches
EPO continued
who would take it?
- cyclists
- (endurance athletes)
how is it taken?
- orally
how does it work?
- stimulates the production of red blood cells which improves delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the working muscles,thus allowing you to run faster
specialised training
Glycogen loading
- to increase muscle glycogen stores and stored in muscles and liver
- supercompensation (store more glycogen than normal)
- used by endurance althetes
aim of glycogen loading
- delay fatigue (have more energy)
- increase endurance (by increasing ATP)
- trained athletes may rest for several days before eating a high carb diet
- increase water consumption
glycogen loading methods (method 1)
- decrease glycogen levels
- increase endurance training
- 3 days low carb diet
- tapering (gradually decreasing) training levels
- few days before comp high carb diet
specialised training
glycogen training continued
glycogen loading methods (method 2)
- day before comp, 3 min high intensity training/activity
- opens 'carb window'
- immediately (within 20 mins) have a high carb diet
why are each of these methods good for athletes?
- allows althletes to emty glycogen stores before replacing them so they dont become sluggish due to excessive carbs
- make sure they are full before performance
- second method is instant
specialised training
altitute training
- occurs over 2000m/8000ft above sea levels
- PpO2 is lower and this less oxygen avaliable
- body produces EPO (erythropoietin)
- usually done for at least 30 days/month
3 phases
- acclimatisation
- primary training
- recovery
- starts immediately
- athlete gets used to PpO2
- not overdo training and more time for recovery
- lasts between 3-10 days
specialised training
altitude training continued
primary training
- between 1-3 weeks
- progressively increas training volume
- until athlete reaches level it would be at sea level
- lasts between 2-5 days
- preparation for athletes returning to sea level
- training volume and intensity is tapered
- recover completely from fatigue
specialised training
altitude training continued
improving performance
- increase number of red blood cells
- increase Hb and myoglobin
- increase 02 carrying capacity
- increase tolerance to lactic acid
- delays OBLA (onset blood lactate accumulation)-delays lactic acid
- benefits last up to 6-8 weeks
hinder performance
- altitude sickness
- training at the same intesity is difficult (loss of fitness)
- benefits lost within a few days back at sea level
- psychological problems- travel/time away from home
alternative methods
- altitude/O2 tents (replicates lower PpO2)
specialised training
- hopping,bounding,medicine ball
- develop power,speed and explosive strength
- involves fast twitch fibres (contract more)
- eccentric muscle contraction happens first followed by the concentric contraction
- stretch reflex activates (detected by the muscle spindlers,sends nerve impulse to spinal cord/CNS)
- elastic energy stored (protects overstretching of muscles to avoid injury)
3 phases (stretch shortening cycle)
- pre stretch (eccentric/elastic energy)
- amortisation (start of concentric)
- muscle contraction (movement)
specialised training
PNF stretching (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- increase flexibility
- best with a partner
- uses alternating contraction and relaxation movements
- can be passive (no associated muscular contraction)
- active (voluntary muscle contraction)
CRAC technique
- Contract-Relax-Antagonist-Contract =isotonic muscle contraction
autogenic inhibition
- acchieved where the muscle gradually relaxes following isometric contractions immediately before a passive stretch (makes muscle fibres stretch further)
- muscle spindles detect how far a muscle is stretching and produce the stretch reflex
Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO)
- senses how much tension is being placed on the tendon
specialised training
- dividing the year into training cycles
- based on olympics/world games
macro cycle(long term training plan with a long term goals often a single competition)
- long term planing
- e.g. netball world cup (to win)
meso cycle ( goal based block of training sessions)
- 2-8 weeks/month
- e.g. improve their attacking/defending skills (tournaments)
micro cycle (repeating groups/pattern of training sessions)
- week/individual training sessions
- e.g. the drills (pass and follow)
specialised training
periodisation contiuned
preparation/pre-season training
- developing general fitness
- conditioning and quantity rather than quality
- refinement of skills and maintaining fitness
- quality rather than quantity
- tapering- decrease intesity of training ( dont want to get injured)
- peaking- preparation for a specific competition
- transition phase- out of season revovery period
prevention of injuries
How would you prevent or try to prevent injuries?
- protective equipment e.g. shin pads
- warm up/cool down (removal of lactic acid to stop DOM's)
- clothing e.g. football boots
- checking even and consistent playing surfaces
- balanced diet and staying hydrated
- following rules
- ensuring the coach knows everyones capability to prevent overtraining
- improving flexibility (prevent strain)
- clothing
should be comfortable and durable
when in different climates layering up if cold
correct clothing for adequate movement,breathable which allows ventilation
e.g.football shirts
- shoes and boots
fit correctly to avoid blisters
laces to be tied to prevent trips and falls and more support
correct shoes for the activity
e.g. ballet pumps/studded rugby boots tighten the studs
- correct equipment
not broken/bent
good quality
specific to the sport
- protective equipment
covering parts of the body to ensure they arent damaged
e.g. gum shield/shin pads
- taping and bracing
taping/wearing a brace to support the muscle/joint (holds everything place)
e.g. ankle support (netball player)
- strength training and conditioning
core strength (increases balance thus can hold yourself better and have better posture)
conditioning (repeating it and maintaining core strength via conditions)
- overtraining
can cause muscle fatigue due to too much strain on the muscle and they may suffer from DOM's due to intense longer training
warm up
warm up
- 5-10 mins light cardio e.g. jogging
- 10-15 mins dynamic stretching
- 10-15 mins sports specific drills
why warm up?
- increase muscle temperature
- increase blood flow and oxygen to muscles
- increase speed of nerve impulses making you faster
- increase range of motion of joints (flexibility) reducing the risk of tearing muscles nd ligaments
- mentally focused on the training/competiton
cool down
cool down
- 5-10 mins light cardio e.g. jogging/walking
- 5-10 mins static stretching
why cool down?
- gradually lower heart and breathing rate
- remove lactic acid
- reduce risk of muscle soreness
- psychologically calms you down
- reduces chances of dizziness and or fainting
- Rest,prevent further injury
- Ice,to reduce swelling
- Compresion,to aid in reducing swelling (straping)
- Elevation,above the heart to prevent blood rushing to the injured fluid in the body goes to the injured area to protect it
preventing injuries
hyperbaric chamber
- delivers oxygen at a higher pressure
- 100% pure oxygen (2.5 X more than normal)
- Hb then becomes full saturated
- excess oxygen dissolved in plasma
- oxygen reaches body parts not normally saturated
- increased blood supply
- aim to reduce the pressure at injured area
- increase white blood cell activity at the injured site
preventing injuries
Ice baths
- prevent DOM's
- sit in ice cold water 5-20mins
- causes vasoconstriction
- restricting blood flow to area to reduce swelling
- leave the ice bath- vasodilation-new blood to area
- fresh oxygen removes lactic acid
- some research-limited value
Improving DOM's
- warm up/cool down
- massage
- ice baths
- gradually increasing intensity of work
- avoid eccentric contrations early in sessions
lactate and VO2 max
What happens when we perform the multi stage fitness test?
- HR increases
- BR increases
- perspiration
- O2 transported to the working muscles
- lactic acid builds up in the muscles
- increased H+ ions in the muscles
- electrolytic balance is lost due to sweating
- fatigue
lactate and VO2 max
Relationship between VO2 max and lactate threshold?
- intensity increase VO2 max increases (linear relationship/positive correlation)
- lactic threshold occurs at high intensity e.g.running at the highest intesity (sprint) it joins VO2 max
- occurs during anaerobic exercise (due to not recieving O2)
- level of exercise intensity at which you are producing more lactate than can be remoed or resynthesised
- convert lactate to pyruvate into mitochondria or back into glycogen
- causes muscle fatigue
factors effecting
- more acidic environment
- lack of glucose
- change of chemical balance affecting their ability to contract
lactate and VO2 max
What is OBLA?
- onset of blood lactate accumulation
- lactic acid starts to accumulate within the blood/muscle;rapid increase follows
- stars 4mmol/litre
- body cannot get enough O2 to breakdown lactic acid
Lactate sampling
- taking blood samples to measure levels of lactic acid
- ensure training is at correct intensity
- provides accurate/objective measure
- measures OBLA/lactic threshold (occurs 4mmols)
lactate and VO2 max
Factors affecting OBLA and the rate of Lactate accumuation
- intensity of exericse
higher intensity OBLA occurs faster
- fitness of performer
physiological factors due to training
more mitochondria/denser capillary network/improved gas exchange
- VO2 max of performer/buffering
highe level more delayed OBLA
- respiratiory exchange ration (RER)
closer to 1.00 quicker OBLA
- muscle fibre type
if slow twitch fibre,delay OBLA
lactate and VO2 max
Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)
- ratio of CO2 released to O2 used
- estimates use of fats and carbs during exercise (calulates energy expenditure)
- tells performer if they are working aerobically/anerobically (the energy system used)
- RER close to 1= carbs
- RER close to 0.7=fats
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