OCR B7 21st century GCSE test - help you to revise

Hello all,

This is a test for OCR b7 21st century gcse test. These are questions that are likely to come up in exams so knowing how to answer these would be a great.

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  • Created by: Anthony
  • Created on: 11-06-12 15:14


1. What is in soil? (4)

2. What is the source of energy for nearly all living things? (1)

3. Explain the difference between a autotroph and a heteroph? (2)

4. What are the factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis? (3)

5. How is energy lost in a food chain? (4)

6. Why is starch a better storage than glucose? (2)

7. Name one exam of a parasite. (1)

8. What is the symptons of sickle cell anaemia? (2)

9. What is the fomula for Anaerobic respiration? (2)

10. What is oxygen debt? (1)

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Questions 2

11. How many genes are human blood type determined by? (1)

12. Is A and B co-dominant or recessive? (1)

13. Name three products that can be produced by gentically modified bacteria. (3)

14. How do you genticaly modify an organism? (3)

Answers and grade boundaries are on the next page.

(Exam out of 30 marks)

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grade boundaries

Grade Boundaries:

A* - 27

A - 24

B - 21

C - 18

U - 15

If you don't get at least a C, then you need more revising.

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1. Biomass such as living organisms and waste materials. inorganic material such as sand and clay, air and water with disolved minerial ions.

2. The Sun

3. Autotroph can makes its own food whereas hetotroph can't.

4. Light, temperature, caron dioxide.

5. Uneaten parts, life processes, as heat energy, wate material

6. Starch is insoluble and it doesn't have effect on osmotic balance.

7. Tapewarm or malaria parasite but there could be many answers.

8. Paid, tiredness, anaemia

9. Glucose ---> Lactic acid (+energy)

10. Oxygen debt is the oxygen needed to break down the lactic acid.

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Answer 2

11. One


13. Antibiotics, quorn, cheese.

14. Isolate the gene. Then cut the gene cut using an enzyme. Replicate it. Transfer the gene using a vector (plasmid or virus) to the organism.

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