OCR AS Psychology: Core Studies - Developmental Approach (3)

  • Created by: Majid
  • Created on: 11-03-13 22:11

Developmental Approach (3)

Strengths of the Devlopmental approach: A strength of the developmental approach is that many studies in this area are longitudinal which means that they do get to investigate changes and how these changes are influenced. Freud’ study was a case study carried out over 2 years enabling the emotional development of a young boy to be investigated in great detail. Samuel and Bryant selected a sample of children aged from 5 years to 8.5 years old which again allowed the researchers to investigate developmental changes in the children. Furthermore the developmental approach enables psychologists to investigate different areas of development such as cognitive in the Samuel and Bryant study and emotional development in Freud’s study of Little Hans. However there is a tendency for developmental psychology to neglect adult development. None of the three core studies in this area take a life span approach. For example, it would be interesting to discover if adults are influenced by role models to the same extent as children. Another strength of the developmental approach is that it can provide useful information about how we can better understand how children learn and deal with emotional difficulties and therefore improve the lives of children. For example, the findings of the Samuel and Bryant study could be used to identify and help children with cognitive developmental difficulties and Bandura’s findings have massive implications about how adults should act in the presence of children. Furthermore Freud’s psychodynamic approach has provided therapies mainly through talking cures that have enabled individuals to cope with earlier traumatic experiences.

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