Nazi - Soviet Pact Why the Nazi - Soviet Pact was created 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSE Created by: LollipopCreated on: 01-06-12 12:29 Nazi - Soviet Pact Pact between Stalin (USSR) and Hitler (Germany) Britain and France didn't seem to want to protect the USSR against Hitler and didn't have control over what he was doing to other countries Germany and the USSR created a pact and agreed not to attack each other They divided the land of Poland between each other Stalin didn't believe the Hitler wouldn't attack the USSR but the pact bought them time to build up there forces and prepare for an attack Hitler wanted to stop the USSR attacking him whilst he invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia - this is what the pact did 1 of 1
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