Nazi Germany - 1918-39 - Weimar Germany
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- Created by: J.M.F.
- Created on: 10-11-14 20:09
Treaty of Versailles - Territory
- 12.5% of population lost
- 13% of land lost
- 50% of iron and 15% of coal lost
- 11 colonies of Africa and Middle East taken over as mandates
- Alsace - Lorraine returned to France
- The Polish Corridor given to Poland
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Treaty of Versailles - Reparations
- £6.6 billion to be paid in reparations
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Treaty of Versailles - Armaments
- German army limited to 100 000
- Only 6 battleships
- No air force
- No submarines
- Rhineland demilitarized
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Treaty of Versailles - War Guilt
- Germany forced to accept the blame for the entire war
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Treaty of Versailles - League of Nations
- Germany not allowed to join the League of Nations until it proved that it was a peace - loving country
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Impact of War - Economic
- National Income 1/3 of what it was in 1913
- Industrial production 2/3 of what it was in 1913
- 600 000 widows and 2 million children without fathers, so 1/3 of budget spent on war pensions
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Impact of War - Social
- Huge gap between rich and poor
- Women worked in factories during the war - seen as damaging to traditional values
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Impact of War - Political
- October / November revolution 1918 led to unstable democratic republic
- Many despised new leaders for signing Treaty of Versailles (Dolchloss - Stab in the Back) - known as 'November Criminals'
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Impact of War - Physical
- 1916 - 17 - no potatoes, only turnips
- 1918 - 50% of milk and 60% of butter / meat production compared to before the war
- Naval blockade, so no food import
- 3/4 million deaths - hunger / disease
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Impact of War - Psychological
- Germans very angry and bitter about defeat - Nationalism
- (Previously undefeated army)
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Political Problems 1918-23 - Private Armies
- Red Front Fighters (LW)
- Steel Helmets (RW)
- Sozi (MOD)
- 376 political murders 1919-22
- 10 LW assassins convicted, no RW
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Political Problems 1918-23 - The Spartacist League
- LW
- Rosa Luxembourg, Karl Liebknecht
- Winter 1918-19
- Set up workers soviets throughout country
- Central Council of Commisars - 'true government'
- 100 000 demonstrated in Berlin - took over key buildings
- Chancellor couldn't defeat alone (TofV - Armaments)
- Freikorps involved - 250 000 by march 1919
- Succeeded in putting down uprisings
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Political Problems 1918-23 - Kapp Putsch
- RW
- Dr Wolfgang Kapp
- 1920
- 5000 marched on Berlin
- Government fled to Dresden - urged workers to strike
- Capital ground to a halt
- Kapp fled
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Political Problems 1918-23 - Summary
- Weimar relied on Freikorps and Workers Strikes
- Government killed thousands of Germans to stay in power
- Extremist parties gained strength - power of private armies
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Economic Problems 1918-23 - Bankruptcy
- Germany spent all of money on war
- Needed to pay £6.6 billion in reparations
- Could not pay by 1923 - bankrupt
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Economic Problems 1918-23 - Occupation of the Ruhr
- Germany could no longer pay reparations
- France invaded the Ruhr in 1923 (legally)
- Confiscated industrial equipment and raw materials
- 80% of iron and coal
- Government could not retaliate (TofV - Armaments)
- Urged workers to strike
- French simply arrested strikers and brought in their own workers
- Eventually left in 1925
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Economic Problems 1918-23 - Inflation
- Due to Bankruptcy, the price of goods was increasing
- The Occupation of the Ruhr caused prices of manufactured goods to increase even further
- 1919-23 - Governement income 1/4 of required
- The Government simply printed more money
- 1923 - 300 paper mills and 2000 printing shops just to print money
Cost of loaf of bread:
1919: 1 mark
1922: 200 marks
1923: 100 000 million marks (Hyperinflation)
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Stresemann - Currency
- 1923
- Stresemann created the Rentenmark, which stabilized the currency, encouraging foreign investors
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Stresemann - Dawes Plan
- 1924
- Annual payments reduced to affordable level
- American banks invested 800 million marks into German industry
- Industrial output doubled 1924 - 28
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Stresemann - Locarno Pact
- 1925
- Germany agreed to keep new borders
- Allied troops left the Rhineland
- France agreed peace
- Talks opened about German membership in League of Nations
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Stresemann - League of Nations
- 1926
- Germany accepted in the League of Nations
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Stresemann - Kellogg - Briand Pact
- 1928
- Germany signed agreement with 64 other countries not to use war to achieve foreign policy aims
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Stresemann - Young Plan
- 1929
- Reduced total reparations from £6.6 billion to £2 billion
- Allowed a further 59 years to pay reparations
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The Great Depression - Causes
- October 1929 - Wall Street Crash
- Falling shares meant investors lost $4000 million over one week
- German banks major investors - people rushed to take out their money
- Banks desperately needed money invested in businesses
- Businesses forced to close or reduce operations
- Industrial output fell, Unemployment rose
- 1929-32 - 40% fall in industrial production
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The Great Depression - Effects
- Middle classes lost savings
- Workers unemployed
- President proposed:
- raising taxes to pay for unemployment (RW opposed)
- reducing unemployment benefit to make more affordable (LW opposed)
- Failure of coalition, so forced to govern by decree, 66 in 1932
- President resigned 1932 - power vacuum
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