Wall Street Crash 1929
- Germany depended on US loans and investment. However, following the Wall Street Crash, this money dried up and world trade collapsed- Germany's economy shrank by 40%
- 1933-6 million German's were unemployed. Hitler capitalised by promising jobs. The Weimar Government was in crisis- proportional representation led to coalitions.
- The Great Depression encouraged Germans to listen to the Nazi Party and their message. They exploited peoples fears through propaganda. Hitler offered strong leadership.
- 1932- Nazi Party became the largest in Germany
Origins and Growth of the Nazi Party
- Hitler remained in the Army until the end of war
- 1919- sent to a reunion in the capital of Bravaria to keep watch on extremist political groups to find out whether they were a danger tp the government.
- One of these extremist political groups was the German's Workers Party, in which Hitler decided to join, despite it being small and poorly organised
- 1920- Hitler changed the party's name to Nation Socialist
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