Nazi Germany 1919-1939
- Created by: heffordalice
- Created on: 17-06-18 14:59
Beginning of Nazi rule
1919 - DAP german workers party. Hitler joined and bacame leader within 3 years (1921)
Became popular as of;
- weak weimar rule, economic crisis' & unemployment
- 'Work and Bread' scheme
- Hitler = good, new leader
- idea of a New Germany
Munich Putsch
Hitler taking advantage of weak Weimar Gov
Organised the SA to rebel and force a change/revolution. Taking control of army headquaters and Newspaper offices
8th Nov- Stomed a Beer Hall, demanding government leaders to revolotionise
9th Nov- police called, Hitler is arrested and 16 nazis killed
Consolidation of Power
Consolidation of Power
Reichstag Fire 1933 Blamed on by communists-nazis used this to crush the opposition of KPD
Decree for the protection of people and state The suspension of all civil rights, freedom of speech and arrest and imprisonment without trial
March election 1933 Fear and intimidation Nazi's arrested and attacked communists without the fear of being punished
Enabling Act Pass laws and run the country without asking the reichstag
The night of long knives SA was a potential oposiistional threat within the nazi party Hitler used the ** to kill leaders of the SA
AFTER-Hindenburg dies, Hitler=Chancellor. Makes army swear and oath of loyalty to him.
Comparison to weimar
- democracy
- parties
- proportional reprsentation
- article 48
- freedom
- coalllitons
- 1-party state
- hitler=ultimate power
- dismantled freedom
- Decree for prot of people and state
- enabling act
- gestapo & **
Nazi Economy
Weimar=reperations, treaty of v, hyperinfaltion, dawes plan
- solve unemployment - work and bread
- Four year plan--preapre economy in 4 years for war However; Germany=still dependent on foreign imports - never met an productional autarky targets ie oil
- New plan--aim to get out of great depression by cutting governement and welfare spending
Standard of living
- Full employment by 1938
- Real wages increased
- 900million spent on improving working conditions
- Strength through joy--- all workers, non-working time was supervised with afterwork activities, holidays and lesiure--making workers greatful for the nazi state
- Most important medium
- Hitler=great public speaker
- Nazi had control
- 1939=70% owned a radio
- number of newspapers decreased 1933-1939
- nazis ran only new agency
- showcase ofnazi success and superiority
Culture-Women & Educaton
- domestic work
- child bearers
- no social life
- could only marry pure germans
- Mother's cross--awarded for having children
- Marriage loans--loans to married couples
- Divorce law-men could divorce wife if she couldnt have children
Education-'key to the future'
- textbooks rewritten
- jewish teachers sacked
- children taught to spy and tell on any non-germans
- Hitler youth and schools--lessons began and ended with nazi salute, prepared students for future nazi roles.
Protestant & Catholic church
Protestant church
- majority of Germans=protestant
- Protestant youth mixed with hitler youth--largely opposed
- 1937-All church leaders sent to concernation camps
Catholic church
- minority of germans=catholic
- concordat--an agreeement for catholics to not oppose the nazi party--was hoped catholics would run wothout nazi interference
- catholics were allowed to still run their groups, but childrenwere pressured into joining the hitler youth and in 1936 it was compulsary.
Nazi opposition
White rose-
university students, with leaflets opposing the regime and nazi policies, founders excecuted
whem the war turned against officers began to plot against hitler and his party
Ethnic minorities and anti-Semitism
A jew shot a german offical within its embassy Gobells used this as an opportunity to organise anti-jewish demonstrations with...attacks on jewish buisnesses, property & synagoges. 100 killed and 20,000 sent to concernatration camps
Nuremburg Laws
- Jews banned being German citizens
- 'protection of german blood'-banned marriage and sexual relations between 'pure' germans and jews
1938-1/2 jewish population left 1939-jews forced into ghetto's 1941 onwards- 'Final Soloution'--forced wear star of david, emigration banned, mass gassings 2 million jews killed
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