Established by the Buddha for the holy man in India
Provides the best opportunities and conditions for enlightenment
Close interdependence- monks guide the lay people
Therevadin- all men are ordained at some point, the monastic sangha is highly valued
Mahayana- takes on different forms and functions and have roles in key lay ceremonies
Leave wordly life and remove the defilements of the three mental poisons
In all schools of Buddhism it is viewed as a higher level of virtue than lay life
Bearers and preservers of the Buddhist tradition
Viharas can be the centre of the village and focus of community life
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Discipline of the Monastic Sangha
Follow the authority of the abbot, the rules set out in the vinaya texts (217 rules for example celibacy and not handling money)
They only have the requisities- an alms bowl, robe, razor and toothbrush. These are the only things required to live a life without craving
They are required to learn the patimokkha (227 rules for men, 311 rules for women)
These ensure comfort and protect the sangha along with helping destroy the 3 mental poisons
There are 5 extra precepts for monks
They are required to recite the vinaya every two weeks
There are rules to transform the mind and behaviour. They are arranged in varying degrees of gravity with varying levels of punishment, the ultimate being dismissal
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