Music Area Study 2 - Peripetie 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? MusicSchoenbergGCSEEdexcel Created by: KatieCreated on: 04-04-13 13:59 Expressionism Based on one intense mood inner feelings expressed intensely not always dark subjects Expression of emotion and state of mind of composer more important than keys and structure Musical ideas developed rapidly no long sections no long pieces Writing in true atonal can be tricky certain notes sound prominant Arnold Shoenberg created serialism to solve this 1 of 6 Arnold Shoenberg 1874 - 1951 No formal training amateur until 24 His originality caused controvosy His performances were rare Extreme emotions came from: the breakdown of his marriage his wife commiting suicide financial difficulties Left Nazi-Germany to teach and compose in America Started writing in atonal - 1908 called it Pantonal Created serialism to solve true atonal difficulties all 12 notes are given equal status 2 of 6 Five Orchestral Pieces Summer 1909 Written by Arnold Shoenberg Full orchestra Set of 5 atonal pieces 1-5 minutes long each Not connected to each other No titles to begin with perferred the music to tell the story Pitches and harmoniesused for effect More concerned abouttimbresthan melody All based on different hexachords 3 of 6 Five Orchestral Pieces Continued First perfomance - 1912 Bad reception Too daring and experimental Didn't portray the vivid colours Shoenberg wanted Second performance - 1914 Better reception New edition - 1922 Added titles to market it Titles were obscure and irrelevant Premonitions The Past Colours Sudden Revolt/Peripetie The Obbligato Recitative 4 of 6 Peripetie Peripetie - Sudden Role Reversal Only 17 minutes long but 90 players Atonal, based on hexachord as a chord or part of the melody Made up of 5 sections In 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time although time signatures aren't important Structured around a kaliedescope of mixed motifs appear in different guises presented differently 5 of 6 Peripetie Features Triplet hexachord fanfare Sextuplets Diminution Muted trumpets/trombones Lifting trumpets Fist in further horns Pizzicato Contrary motion Exaggerated effects Fragmentation Divisi hexachord Extreme dynamic contast Extreme range 6 of 6