AIM: to investigate coding in short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). METHOD: They had three separate groups which learnt a list (independent groups design):
One group learnt a list of acoustically similar words.
One group learnt a list of semantically similar words.
One group learnt a list of unrelated words (control condition).
RESULTS: The groups were then asked to recall the list immediately (to test STM) and 20 minutes later (to test LTM).
Immediately recalled showed that most mistakes were the acoustically similar words.
20 minutes later, the most mistakes were the semantically similar words.
INTERPRETATION/CONCLUSION: As the acoustically similar words were difficult to remember immediately, this is because they were acoustically similar words and the coding of STM is acoustic; it was confusing.
As the semantically similar words were difficult to remember 20 mins later, this is because they were semantically similar words and the coding of LTM is meaning; it was confusion.
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