MOBILISATION OF HUMAN & ECONOMIC RESOURCES - WW2 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryHISTORYInternational BaccalaureateAll boards Created by: neptunium98Created on: 07-05-18 21:23 HUMAN RESOURCES US troops were present in Europe after 1941 Russia had the ability to sustain huge losses at the Battle of Stalingrad However, the use of Blitzkrieg involved only small numbers of trained troops Japan were outnumbered by the USA but the USA still couldn't win until the dropping of the atomic bomb Britain were outnumbered by the Nazis 1 of 2 ECONOMIC RESOURCES USA provided loans and entered the war, bringing their wealth with them Technological advancements e.g. RADAR, ultracode machine However, Germany & Japan still fought until the end until they were totally defeated Germany had split attention - they were half focused on building the future of the Third Reich Germany were still only developing their technology at the end of the war e.g. V1 & V2 rockets 2 of 2
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