Aristotle rejects the substance dualism of plato- the soul isn't a different part to the body.
Arrived at this conclusion based on his nderstandings of the idea of form. Criticised plato's theory of the forms, claiming it to be unneccsary.
the substential reality of a human being is the union of the body and soul.
each soul has only one body- there can be no transmigression or reincarnation ( something that plato believed in)
No other wordly after life- no ghosly socrates floating in hades or dwelling up in the forms
A question for christian theology- whether or not you can take this theory of the soul and combine it with the christian doctrine of the ressuraction of the body.
- this doctrine gives untity to each human being (not parts) here aristotle rejects plato's multipart soul i dont feel desire in one part of my soul or anger in another part,but instead a single soul that has multiple powers
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