Mickey and Edward important quotes
- Created by: Ryan62835
- Created on: 02-10-17 16:04
Mickey Important quotes
He is happy to meet Edward and make friends with him, and accepts him as his best friend quickly.
"See this means that we're blood brothers, an' that we always have to stand by each other".
Mickey demonstrates his loyalty to his friend and sees their relationship as permanent. Friendship is clearly very important to Mickey as he views his new friend as an extension of his family.
Mickey Important quotes
Mickey is less educated than Edward. He swears and uses slang and does not know what a dictionary is.
Edward: (Awed) "P..... off. You say smashing things, don't you? Do you know any more words like that"?
Mickey: Yeh. Yeh, I know loads of words like that. Y'know like the 'F' word".
whereas Edward knows about things like dictionaires, Mickey knows swear words and speaks with a strong Liverpudlian accent. He is more streetwise than his new friend. He also shows his innocence here though, as he admits to Edward that he doesn't really know what "the 'F' word" means.
Mickey Important quotes
When he loses his job, Mickey feels more hopeless and is angry with Edward when he doesn't understand the situation he is in.
Edward: "I thought, I thought we always stuck together. I thought we were .... were blood brothers".
Mickey: "That was kids' stuff, Eddie. Didn't anyone tell y? (He looks at EDWARD.) But i suppose you still are a kid, aren't ye?"
Mickey has to grow up quickly as a teenager. He leaves school in order to get a job and then has to support his new wife Linda after she falls pregnant. He is only 18 when he loses his job, leaving him in a desperate situation. This means he becomes resentful at a young age, which Edward is unable to understand. Mickey reacts very angrily to his friend's lack of empathy.
Mickey Important quotes
At the end of the play, Mickey is bitter about the differences in the life that he has led in comparison to Edward's.
Mickey: "Well, how come you got everything...an' I got nothin'?"
As a result of their different social classes, Mickey's life has followed a completely differnt path to Edward's. By the end of the play, even Mickey's wife isn't really his anymore because she has betrayed him with Edward. Mickey references how unfair his life has been in his final line of the play: "I could have been him".
Mickey Important quotes
Mickey at the start is mentioned by the narrator indirectly.
"So did y'hear the story of the Johnstoen twins? As like each other as two pins, Of one womb born, on the self same day, How one was kept and one given away? An' did you never hear how the Johnstones died, Never knowing that they shared one name, Till the day they died ........?"
Edward Important Quotes
When he meets Mickey, Edward is happy to share his sweets with his new friend.
Mickey: (Trying to work out the catch; suspiciously taking one) Can I have another one. For our Sammy?
Edward: Yes, of course. Take as any as you want.
Edward is warm and generous with Mickey, sharing his sweets freely. This also draws attention to the differences between the boys. Edward is not used to being around other children, so he is not as suspicious as Mickey. As his paents are wealthy, Edward is more relaxed with sharing his possessions.
Edward Important Quotes
Edward quickly becomes fond of Mrs Johnstone and has a connection with her.
"I thought you didn't like me. I thought you weren't very nice. But I think you're smashing".
Edward is very animated with Mrs Johnstone and responds enthusiastically as soon as she is kind to him. He keeps the locket she gives him a secret for as long as he can, suggesting that once he forms a connection with someone he is loyal.
Edward Important Quotes
Edward cannot understand Mickey's frustration when he is made redundant. The way he reacts is thoughtless.
"Why ... why is a job so important? If i couldn't get a job I'd just say, sod it and draw the dole, live like a bohemian, tilt my hat to the world and say "screw you". So you're not working. Why is it so important?"
Edward is inconsiderate of Mickey’s feelings and makes light of the serious situation his friend is in. He shows no empathy towards Mickey as he cannot understand how difficult life for Mickey is without having a comfortably off middle-class family to fall back on - which Edward has.
Edward Important Quotes
- Friendly, generous character.
- Feels restricted
- Revels in Mickey’s liveliness, bad language and risky games.
- Impulsive character and one who doesn’t think too deeply about the consequences of his actions.
- Lack compassion and does not sympathise with Mickey’s unemployment worries.
Edward Important Quotes
Development (Growth and Change):
- Naively offers him sweets in an attempt to impress him.
- Unselfishly tries to get Mickey to express his love for Linda.
- Tells Mickey to use his dole money to live like a ‘Bohemian’.
- He arranges for Mickey to have a job, but does so condescendingly by keeping it secret.