Medicine through time (c.1250-present day + western front)

These are revision cards I have made about History GCSE medicine through time.


History- medicine 1250-1500 1

Religious beliefs and superstitions

Medieval England (c.1250 - c.1500), did not use science to understand illness.

Religious beliefs + superstition were used to explain, diagnose and treatment illness.

Supernatural and religious explanations

Church (catholic) = big influence on people’s lives, VERY religious.

Illness + disease were sent by God as a punishment for sin. Also thought that illness and disease could be a test of a person’s faith - either by God or by the Devil.

Astrology- the study of the planets and stars.

physician would use a star chart + look at when a patient was born and when they had become ill to decide what illness or disease they had.

Use of astrology to diagnose illness and disease became more popular after Black Death.

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