Media Double
- Created by: deathlyhallows12345
- Created on: 24-11-22 11:33
Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
Web 1.0 was the first proper version of world wide web (1991-2004). It was mainly used for finding information. It had plain websites with just words and pictures, used gifs and had chat rooms.
Web 2.0 is the current version of the internet. People can contribute things, add comments, create profiles, and allows people to upload their own things such as on social media. Very user accessable.
Web 3.0 is being able to send or request things to another web service and get something in return such as ordering food or shopping online.
Social Networking
Linkedin is used to connect employers with potential employees. Mainly used by businesses and job seekers.
Facebook is used by mainly older adults rather than teens. Can put ads on to promote things. A microblogging website. Microblogging are little posts that are short and snappy.
Instagram is modern and used by teens and adults. Good for photo and video sharing.
Snapchat is used by teens and young adults. Can post stories to anyone you want and send private messeges.
Tumblr is a microblogging website. Isn't modern, but still in use. Can create mini blogs about your interests.
Twitter is used by teens and adults. Can post short messge posts, photos and videos. Easy to get critisised on it.
Pinterest is a image sharing website. You can build mood boards and share photos. Very creative.
Pro-Sumer and User Generated Content
Prosumers are half professionals and half consumers. They can be brand advocates. They buy something, like it, and then promote it themselves online to get even more people to buy the product. Social media influencers do this a lot with brands like or are sponsered by. We see them as people who are 'on our level' because we trust youtubers more than random people writing in a magazine or actors in a TV advert. It can also include celebrities like Claudia Winkleman for Head and Shoulders.
UGC is content made by customers . This can be big brands commenting on consumers posts about their product on social media or retweeting consumers posts. Denny's does this on Twitter. Singers do this by asking fans to make lipsynch videos of them singing popular songs and then includes the videos into a music video for the song.
Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website. You can pledge money to different projects and get updates or special gifts in return. Companies from all sectors use crowdsourcing, it is a way of getting their valued customers involved in production and promotion processes. Crowdsourcing brings people together online, so there aren’t any geographical constraints to get in the way. This allows brands access to untapped talent that might not be located in their area.
99 Designs is simular. It lets companies find designers to help with logos for the brand.
Ware is a gps software. People can update it to tell others if there are any problems on certain roads such as building works or traffic jams. It is all done in real time.
Lego Ideas is a crowdsourcing website. You can build your own things out of lego and if Lego likes it they will ask for permission to make it into a real set people can buy in shops..
Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is when something is marketed online rather that using troditional forms of advertising such as newspapers, magazines or billboards. It can also be marketing which is out of the ordinary like Guerrilla Marketing.
Guerilla Marketing is when a company does unconventual advertising to advertise their products. This is like how Sixteen Films advertised I, Daniel Blake by projecting quotes from the movie onto buildings around the UK.
The Long Tail
The Long Tail is a business strategy which is selling something that is more niche than only selling popular things. An example is Netflix only streaming Stranger Things so people have to watch it on Netflix which creates a big boom in sales right away, but also a lot of sales long term because people will keep rewatching the series and new viwers will start watching it at different points as the years progress.
The theory of how our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of “hits” (mainstream products and markets) at the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail.
Ideology is a view, attitude, belief, values that someone has about something. They believe their views to be correct and important. This can be a singular view point and a group view point.
Examples: Different religeons have different ideologys, different govement parties have different ideologys, gender roles.
Utopia is an idealistic world. It is a perfect world that doesn't exist in real life.
Citizen Journalism
Citizen Journalism is like regular journalism except it is reported by a random member of the public. It can be good because it can show the honest truth with no hiding things that don't suit an agender such as The Sun being more liberal than anything else. It can be bad because members of the public could lie or get things badly wrong.
Wikinomics is a term that describes the effects of extensive collaboration and user-participation on the marketplace and corporate world. This can be done via crowdfunding. People pay you to make your produce and in return they provide you updates, BTS clips, merch and more.
It is split into 4 areas:
Being Open, Peering, Sharing, Acting Global.
Being open includes crowdsourcing, embracing ideas from the public and being innovative.
Peering includes sharing ideas, breaking down the hierarchy of a traditional business and connecting with others.
Sharing includes sharing content and colaborations.
Acting Global includes globalisation, colabs, crowdfunding, using social media.
VOD/ 2nd Screening/ Terrestrail TV.
VOD means video on demand. This is a streaming service such as Netflix, Disney+ or BBC IPlayer. It is when you can watch TV or films whenever you want.
Second Screening is when you pay attention to more than one device at a time. This could be checking Instagram while watching TV. It can be more than one screen at a time which could be playing an Xbox game, Watching TV and texting your friends all at once.
Terrestrial TV is Freeview TV. It is the most common type of TV across the world.
Globalisation is the world being interconnected by trade and culture exchage. Big companies are no longer limited to their country or origin. An Example of this could be McDonalds going from just being in America to basically every other country even if the country is really poor or really rich.
The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan
The media is an extention of us. It is the effect that the world has on us not the world itself. It makes us all more aware of things.
Instead of just watching TV or listening to radio, we are making our own media.
The Global Village by Marshall McLuhan
The Global Village means that the physical borders between countries seem smaller than they actually are. New technologies make it even easier for us to communicate with others all over the world. we are all basically living in one big village.
Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen
Moral Panic is a way newspapers get their newspaper to sell. They sensationalise news stories to get sales. The headlines can scare people into believing bad things will happen. The newspapers write something, people worry and believe it so because people believe it will happen, it comes true and actually happens.
An example is football hooliganism being reported in the news before an upcoming match, they make the police go out and protect the streets, the hooligans go out, the police panics which creates football hooliganism.
Folk Devil is a group or individual represented as evil or and a threat to society.
Astroturfing & Sock Puppets
Creating fake grassroots movements - pretending to be a genuine ‘campaign’ by involved ‘ordinary’ people, but actually funded and created by a company who will benefit from it.
Sock puppets- People creating an alternative persona on social media, so they can agree with themselves in comment thread.
Injunctions and Super Injunctions:
Injunctions- Celebrities / high profile people, sometimes get court orders banning the press (newspapers / magazines / news websites) from talking about / publishing what they have been up to.
Super Injunctions- A super injunction means that the press cannot use coded wording, such as “guess what he / she / they have been doing” (assumptions / rumour).
Multiple versions of the same thing which creates too much choice for the user.
Cultural Imperialism
A theory based upon an over-concentration of mass media from larger nations as a significant variable in negatively affecting smaller nations, in which the national identity of smaller nations is lessened or lost, due to media homogeneity inherent in mass media from the larger countries.
Cultural Censorship
Different countries censor different things.
North Korea is one of the most censored places ever.
China uses censor ship to stop people from smeering the goverment or it's people such as bullying people in movies because of them being chinese.
Turkey censors a lot of stuff. They censor a lot of social medias, books and films.
BBFC regulate films in the UK.
ASA regulate advertising.
IPSO regulate newspapers and magazines.
Ofcom regulate tv, phone, post and radio.
The 5 C's
Content - a campaign that is built recognisably around the brand, product or service you are selling.
Credence - the contact comes from somebody that people trust, in a form they trust (sharing from friends)
Covers - that is it easy for people to get involved in the way you want them to.
Co-Incentives - that it makes you look like a good / involved / knowledgeable ‘in’ person to your peers
Concurrence - shows people that they are part of a community taking part in the same thing.
Sales Media Funnel
Used in the last question, a marketing theory about a structure for a successful marketing campaign.
Generate Leads
Build Credibility
Stay on top of mind
Drive to the sweet spot
Strengthen Relationship (with your customers)
Earn Referrals (sales / word of mouth)
Magic Circle Theory
The "magic circle" is the space in which the normal rules and reality of the world are suspended and replaced by the artificial reality of a game world.
Cultural effects that could caused by Social Media
Think about things such as cyberbullying, trolling or cultural things like different laws in different countries like China, Korea and Turkey.
Make Sure To Extend & Fully Explain Exam Answers.
Make Sure To Extend & Fully Explain Exam Answers.
Use spacific examples in exam answers even if it seems unessasery.
Make sure to plan out big questions and use key terms like the 5cs and sales media funnel.
Crowdsourcing involves obtaining work, information, or opinions from a large group of people who submit their data via the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps. People involved in crowdsourcing sometimes work as paid freelancers, while others perform small tasks on a voluntary basis.
Simply; it is using people from all over the world to gather opinions, ideas and talent to help a business develop a product.
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