Matters of Life and Death
- Created by: Rona Lichtensteiger
- Created on: 19-04-10 08:37
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
- Why do Christians believe in life after death?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
- Jesus rose from the dead
- Bible and Creed say there is a life after death
- Christian churches teach that there is a life after death
- They believe in the immortality of the soul
- It gives their lives meaning and purpose
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
How do beliefs about life after death affect the lives of Christians?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
- Christians will love their neighbour and help them
- Christians will live a good christian life so they can go to heaven
- Christians will love God
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
What are non religious reasons for believing in life after death?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
- Near death experiences when people see things during heart attacks and operations
- Evidence of the spirit world, ghosts and mediums
- Evidence of reincarnation,such as people remembering previous lives
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
Why do some people not believe in life after death?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Life after Death
- They do not believe in God
- There is no scientific evidence
- They do not see where life after death could take place
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
What is the law on UK abortion?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
- Abortion is allowed in the UK if two doctors agree that there is a medical or physical reason for it.
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
Why is abortion a controversial issue?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
- People disagree about when life begins
- People disagree about whether abortion is murder
- People disagree about whether a woman has the right to choose
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
What do Catholics and Evangelical Christians believe about abortion and why?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
- They believe in the sanctity of life
- They believe that abortion is murder
- They believe that life starts at conception so the foetus is a human.
- They believe women who have abortions will experienced traumas
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
What is the doctrine of Double Effect?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
- If the mother's life is at risk because of circumstances then the priority is to save the mother's life however the baby's life may be taken away if the process to save the mum kills the baby
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
What do Liberal Protestant Christians believe about abortion and why?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Abortion
- They believe Abortion may be the most loving thing to do, Jesus taught to love thy neighbour
- They believe sanctity of life can be broken
- They believe life does not start at conception
- They believe if abortion was banned many problems would occur as people would have back street abortions
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What are the different types of euthanasia?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- Assisted suicide
- Euthanasia
- Non-voluntary euthanasia
- Voluntary euthanasia
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What is the UK law on euthanasia?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- All forms of Euthanasia are illegal in the UK
- Food and water can be prevented from someone to help them die- this is legal in the UK
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What are the non religious arguments against euthanasia?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- The role of doctors is to save lives and not kill
- You can never be sure that euthanasia is what someone wants
- Who could decide on whether euthanasia should be allowed to take place? and who would do it?
- Medicinal advances may occur and a cure for a disease may come about but it would be too late
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What are the non religious arguments for euthanasia?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- People can be kept alive because of medicinal advances but they have no quality of life
- We give euthanasia to suffering animals
- People think that it is a basic human right to decide when to die
- Suicide is legal so dying in a peaceful way should be legal aswell
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What do most Christians believe about euthanasia, and why?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- Christians believe in the sanctity of life
- Christians believe euthanasia is murder
- They believe in the Doctrine of Double Effect
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
What do some Evangelical Protestant Christians believe about euthanasia, and why?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - Euthanasia
- They believe that all forms of Euthanasia are wrong
- They think that switching off a life support machine, or giving a large dose of painkillers as euthanasia
- They believe in the sanctity of life
- They believe all forms of euthanasia are murder
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
What do a few Christians (Liberal Protestants) believe about euthanasia, and why?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
- They believe modern medicine means that we can not be sure about God's wishes about someone dying
- Jesus taught love thy neighbour, euthanasia may be the most loving to do in a situation
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
What are the arguments against the media being free to criticize what religions say about matters of life and death?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
- People believe it is offensive towards there religion some people would see it as blasphemy
- People believe there should be restrictions on what people can say in the media
- The media may stir up religious hatred
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
What are the arguments for the media being free to criticize what religions say about matters of life and death?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
- People believe a free media is a key part of a democracy.
- If religions want to be free to say what they want they, then the media must be able to be free to criticize religion
- Freedom of speech is a basic human right
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
How has an issue from Matters of Life and Death been presented in one form of the media?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
RE - Matters of Life and Death - The Media
Was it fair to religious beliefs and religious people?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
What are the causes of world poverty?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
- 3rd world debt
- Natural Disasters
- Unfair Trade
- Wars
- Lack of education and water
- Relying on one export
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
How is Christian Aid trying to fight world poverty?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
- Christian Aid runs campaigns and development programs
- Christian Aid speaks out on behalf of poor communities and raises awareness of the causes of poverty
- Christian Aid responds to emergencies and disasters
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
Why is Christian Aid trying to end world poverty?
RE - Matters of Life and Death - World poverty
- Jesus taught Christians they should help the poor
- All the Churches teach that Christians they should help the poor
- They believe it is the way to follow the Golden Rule