Managing Operations: Week 8
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- Created by: EvemChas
- Created on: 22-01-23 17:02
Total Quality Management: Part 1
Total Quality Management (TQM)
- TQM = unmbrella term describe 'quality management system'.
- 'Addresses all areas + employees' organisation, which emphasises 'customer satisfaction'.
TQM Evolution
- Initially, focus companies inspection end production line prevent out specification products + service.
Elements of TQM: Part 1
- Leadership: Top management vision, planning + support.
- Employee involvement: All employees assume responsibility inspecting quality work.
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Total Quality Management: Part 2
Key employee Involvement practices: Part 1
- Understand key factors drive workforce engagement , satisfaction + motivation.
- Design + manage work + jobs promote effective communication, cooperation, skill sharing + empowerment.
- Make appropriate investments development + learning both for workforce + organisation's leaders.
- Create environment ensures + improves workplace health, safety + security.
Key employee Involvement practices: Part 2
- Develop performance management system based compensation, recognition + reward.
- Assess workforce engagament + satisfaction.
- Manage career progression entire workforce + succession planning management.
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Total Quality Management: Part 3
Elements of TQM Part 2
Product/Process design
- Involves product design quality + monitoring process continuous improvement.
- Goal process design develop efficient process satisfies both internal + external customer requirements.
Elements of TQM Part 3
- Continuous Improvement: Concept recognises quality improvement journey no end + there need continually looking new approaches improving quality.
Customer Focus (Fitness use):
- Design quality: specifc characteristics product determines value in marketplace.
- Conformance quality: degree which product meets design specifications.
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Total Quality Management: Part 4
Importance of Customers
'Without customers, you don't have a business'.
Focus of Quality Management - Customers
- TQM: Serve achieve customer satisfaction.
- Satisfied customers less likely switch to competitor.
- Costs 5-6 times more attract new customers as keeping existing ones.
Key Customer Focused Practices: Part 1
- Identify most important customer groups + markets.
- Understand both short-term + longer-term customer needs + expectations (voice of customer) + employ systematic processes listening + learning from customers.
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Total Quality Management: Part 5
Key customer Focused Practices: Part 2
- Create organisational culture + support framework allows customers easily contact organisation.
- Manage customer relationships build loyalty.
- Measure customer satisfaction.
- Compare results relative competitors + industry benchmarks.
Implementing TQM: Critical success factors
- Teamwork
- Top management commitment
- Process management
- Customer focus + satisfaction
- Supplier partnership
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Total Quality Management: Part 6
TQM Backbone: Deming Wheel PDCA Cycle
- Plan: Study process, Identify problem, Set goals + Develop plan improvement.
- Do: Implement plan test basis, MEasure improvement.
- Study/Check: Assess plan; is it working, Goals achieved?
- Act: Institutionalise improvement; continue cycle new problems Stage 1.
- Define process
- Describe process
- Describe players
- Define customer expectations
- Determine historical data available
- Describe perceived problems associated process
- Identify primary causes problems + impacts process performance
- Develop potential changes/solutions process
- Select most promising solution(s)
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Total Quality Management: Part 7
- Conduct pilot study /experiment test impact potential solution(s).
- Identify measures understand how changes/solutions successful addressing perceived problems.
- Examine results pilot study/experiment.
- Determine whether process performance improved.
- Identify further experimentation may necessary.
- Select best change /solution.
- Develop implementation plan.
- Standardise solution.
- Establish process monitor + control process performance.
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Total Quality Management: Part 8
Quality Tools
- Flow chart, Fishbone diagram, Check sheet, Histogram, Scatter diagram, Pareto chart + Control chart.
Flow Chart
- Called process mapping + analysis.
- Diagram of steps process.
- Helps focus location problem process.
- Identifies sequence activities/flow process.
- Provides picture steps needed accomplish task
- Helps employees understand how fit process + who are suppliers + customers.
Cause-and-Effect Diagram
- AKA : Fishbone diagram
- Shows different categories problem causes
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Total Quality Management: Part 9
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Total Quality Management: Part 9
Check Sheets
- Simple documents used collecting data real-time.
- Either gather quantitative/qualitative data.
- When info quantitative, check sheet called Tally Sheet.
- Divides range possible values data set classes/groups.
Scatter Diagram
- Used present measurements 2/+ related variables.
- Represent correlation between 2 variables.
Pareto Analysis
- Most quality problems result few causes.
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Total Quality Management: Part 10
Control Chart
- Chart statistical upper + lower limits.
- Sample statistics remain between these limits assume process in control.
6 Sigma
- Improve processes reducing variation + defects.
- 6 Sigma measure how much process deviates perfection.
What is DMAIC?
- 5 step methodology provides structured framework improve exisitng process.
- DMAIC framework helps ensure improvement projects clearly defined + clearly implemented.
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Total Quality Management: Part 11
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Total Quality Management: Part 11
The DMAIC Cycle
- Define: IDentify problem, define, requirements + set goal.
- Measure: Gather data, refine problem + measure inputs + outputs.
- Analyse: Develop problem hypotheses, identify 'root casues' + validate hypotheses.
- Improve: Develop improvement ideas, test, establish solution + measure results.
- Control: Establish performance standards + deal any problems.
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