Set of essay summaries on key topics to do with Martin Luther
- Created by: Christina
- Created on: 11-05-13 08:35
Why did German peasants revolt 1524-5?
ANSWER: Luther's theology provided a misinterpreted opportunity for social reform.
- Believed in:
- the priesthood of all believers
- Lutheran theology
- 'woodcuts' - unofficial poor copies of Luther's theology
- social revolution
Crushed by M.L and princes at the 1525 Battle of Frankenhousen
- Hierarchy challenged = a united response - "against the hoards of thieving peasants..."
Other Factors:
- Population Increase
- Strain on land
- Repeated bad harvests
Why was M.L excommunicated?
ANSWER: Leipzig debate 1519 - Eck challenged him + he admitted to sympathising with Jan Huss (agreed with his anti-papalism and faith) = heretic.
- Cajetan 1518 - revoko.
- Supposed to recant everything. Theology, beliefs, 95 Theses. Instead challenged penance and papal authority.
- Supposed to recant everything. Theology, beliefs, 95 Theses. Instead challenged penance and papal authority.
- Challenged doctrine pre 1517
- Gained too much public support:
- - Theology appealed to laity, anti-clerical, cartoon communication, "priesthood of all believers"
- - Theology appealed to laity, anti-clerical, cartoon communication, "priesthood of all believers"
- Rome needed indulgence revenue
- After burning his Papal Bull - 'Exurge Domine'
- Published 3 books detailing all Luther's theology he had been holding back
- RC History - Babylonian captivity of the church
- Theology - Freedom of a Christian Man
- Politics - Address to German nobility.
- Published 3 books detailing all Luther's theology he had been holding back
German Ref a success b/c of weak Charles? 1521-29
ANSWER: Even when Charles was strong abroad (turk victories etc.) he was weak in Germany having been elected by German princes.
- also always needed money and troops.
- 1521 Worms = a "triumphant" return (MacCulloch)
- Charles extremely weak - only just been elected as HRE by the princes.
- Terms of election involved German citizenship - had to allow ML safe entry to Worms
- Victories abroad:
- French army of 2800 destroyed Battle of Pavia
The inability of Emperor and Pope to settle their differences meant that they could not offer a united Catholic front against the Lutheran challenge. The threat to the eastern parts of the Empire from the Ottoman Turks, limited his room for manoeuvre at crucial times.
2nd Paragraph: Foreign, didn't speak German, 1519 = 19 years old, 1529 arrogance.
3rd Paragraph: Knights 1522, iconoclastic 1521-22, Peasants 1524-25, Princes save germany <--- ALL strengthen lutheran cause and princely hierarchy.
How important were the Princes?
ANSWER: Very. Fred-Wise protected Luther and after 1521 it became a princely reformation.
INTRO: 1517 95 Theses
- Elector Fred-Wise saw an opportunity for German nationalism.
- M.L's reason to write = theological Fred's support = political
- Princes realised they could use M.L to gain independence (free from Rome)
- M.L Lucky to have princely support (MacCulloch)
- gained him safe passage to Worms
- and "kidnapping" safe from Catholics - taken to Wartburg castle
1521 - Luther begins to be "cantankerous" (Pettegree), onwards = a Princely Reformation.
1) Lutheranism advances via the PRINCES - try to further Luther's attempt to tap "into a vein of cultural nationalism" (Pettegree)
...important were the Princes?
- Peasants War 1524-5 - crushed by princes b/c it challenged social hierarchy, social order was not to be touched.
- 1526 Diet of Speyer - suspends Edict of Worms and allows religious choice of Lutheranism.
- 1529 Charles revokes. ----> triggering protest. ----> 1531 Schmalkaldic League.
However, 1547 Battle of Muhlburg is a massive defeat and the princes still have power. - Lutheranism = too well established, no longer dependent on political leaders.
- 1555 Peace of Augsberg = PRINCE VICTORY
- Mullet - Luther was "titanic", princes would be nothing without him
Cameron - M.L was one of many, more inevitable factors contributed. - Without political ambition of the princes the Peace of Augsburg might not have happened.
How important was printing to the German Reformati
ANSWER: Significantly, furthered M.L's written word at an uncontrolable speed - faster than Rome reacted.
- 1450 - invented in Mainz
- "Printing ended the scribal corruption" (Lotherington)
- Speed made it difficult to contain - 300,000 copies of M.L's works by 1520
- Cartoons published for illiterate laity
- (MacCulloch) said the Reformation made reading "a skill much more worth acquiring"
- M.L's books so readily available they spread like wildfire
- printing made Protestantism much more feasible.
- Printing press spreading M.L's theology meant it was spreading motivation for independence
- 'Address to a Christian man' advocated caesaro papism - The princes should replace Rome.
...printing to the German Reformation?
- Princes' support based on opportunity for wealth and power NOT M.L's theology.
- Princes brought M.L's ideas to political attention - of which texts alone couldn't have.
- Pope and HRE take a year to respond to 95 Theses - sending Cardinal Cajetan (1518)
- allowing more time for texts to printed and lutheranism to spead.
- By 1521 (Worms) If Charles were to kill him he would be a martyr to the cause.
- 1520 excommunication (after Leipzip 1519) - he no longer trusted to Pope's opinion on life after death.
- M.L burns papal bull - Pope = as ineffective as Charles.
- Wrote 3 key books after realising importance of publishing ideas.
- Printing was needed to publicise cause - however reformation became political making ideas less important.
- Hymns became more vital "was not just impact of print but mtter of the spoken and sung" (MacCulloch).
To what extent was Luther important?
ANSWER: To a great extent before 1521 however Princes take over.
- 1517 95 Theses
- Tetzel - promised to release deceased relatives from purgatory (Pope Leo had introduced)
- Challenged doctrine - enforced Sola Fide
- 1518 Cardinal Cajetan
- M.L refuses to recant
- 1519 Leipzip debate with Johann Eck - agrees with Hus = Heretic
- 1520 excommunicated - M.L burns papal bull
- 1521 Diet of Worms (protected by princes) doesn't recant.
- Mullett - titanic MacCullch - lucky to be supported by princes
- Princely support so important could be argued that without it Luther's work would have been of little consequence therefore the princes are of higher importance.
1) Pettegree - "cantankerous" after 1521
- argue other factors e.g. printing, weakness of Charles, and princes...
...extent was Luther important?
2) Princely Reformation
- 1526 Diet of Speyer - retracted in 2nd Diet
- 1531 Schmalkaldic League
- Lead by Philip of Hesse + John Elector of Saxony
- "most powerful protestant force in Europe" (MacCulloch)
- Defeated at Battle of Muhlberg 1547 - hollow victory for Charles - Reformation not over
- Charles too relient on Princes for troops and money, eventually defeated - ending in the 1555 Peace of Augsburg
- success gained by princes NOT Luther
- Key before 1521 (voices already existing anti-clericalism)
- M.L a man of conscience - couldn't sit back and let people be misled (Randell)
- laid foundation for princes to build on.
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