'Love through the ages' Themed Quotes
These are some important quotes organised by theme I've put together for my revision :)
Brief note form so dont criticise my english haha!
Pink indicates poetry, Blue indicates prose and Yellow indicates drama!
- Created by: Els
- Created on: 04-06-14 16:33
Maternal Love
Sylvia Plath Tulips: "their smiles catch onto my skin, little smiling hooks" "i could here them breathe...like an awful baby" "weighing me down...a dozen red sinkers around my neck" "each dead child coiled, a white serpent, one at each little pitcher of milk, now empty" "she has folded them back into her body as petals of a rose close" Moon and The Yew Tree: "the moon is no door...it drags the sea behind it like a terrible crime" "the moon is my mother. She is not sweet like Mary. Her blue garments unloose small bats and owls" An Appearance: "the smile of ice boxes inhilates me" (semantic feild of domesicity) "how her body opens and shuts, a Swiss watch jewelled at the hinges" "percent signs exit like kisses"Carol Ann Duffy Demeter: "my daughter, my girl" "bringing all springs flowers to her mothers house" Queen Herod: "my little child. silver and gold" "no man i swore, will make her shed a tear. A peacock screamed outside"
Rachel Kusk A life's work: "i needed to be her mother more than she needed my mothering"
Margaret Atwood Handmaids Tale: "Give me children, or else I die. Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?" "It reminds me of other kitchens, kitchens that were mine. It smells of mothers" "She's a magic presence to us, an object of envy and desire, we covet her (pregnant woman)" "No mother is ever, completely, a child's idea of what a mother should be"
Maternal Love Continued
Margaret Atwood Handmaids Tale: "No mother is ever, completely, a child's idea of what a mother should be" Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea: "My mother died last year...I dont know how...I dont want to know" > mother defines her child - Anettes character forebodes what is to come for Antoinette. - Antoinette is first narrator you speaks a lot of her mother who is "pretty like pretty self" - portrays strong role her mother has in her life - she admires her. "You were making such a noise, I must go to Peirre. You've frightened him"
William Yeats Stolen Child: "Come away, O human child! With faery, hand in hand"
Shakespeare All's Well That Ends Well: "Helena, you know I am a mother to you.” “You are my daughter” "which of them both is dearest to me" "I have yielded: Instruct my daughter how she shall persevere (widow exploits her daughters sexuality in bedtrick)"
Tennessee Williams Cat On A Hot Tin Roof: "little no neck monsters" "shoot maggie you just dont like children!" "something's wrong, you're childless!" "monster of fertility" "I have Brick's child in my body, and that is my present to you" "you're just jealous you cant have babies!" "picking stockings up off the floor (big mamma- stage directions)" "baby brick" "i dont like locked doors in my house"
Possessive/Obsessive Love
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea: "I'll take her in my arms, my lunatic. She's mad but mine, mine" "longing for the day when she is a memory only to be avoided, locked away" "bertha is not my name, you are trying to make me into someone else" "i often wonder who i am and where is my country and where do i belong" "the doll had a doll's voice, a breathless but curiously indifferent voice"
Maternal Love Continued
D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers: "i would have slaved myself to death to nurse him and save him" "his loved turned back into her so he felt he could be free to love another woman" "imprisoned (by his mother)" "she hated him because she loved him and he dominated her"
Shakespeare Winter's Tale: hermoine dies of a "broken heart" when she finds out her child has been abandonned
Sexual Love
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea: "i did not love her. i was thirsty for her but that is not love" "Die then! Die!" I watched her die many times. In my way, not in hers […] Very soon she was as eager for what's called loving" "tempt and torment" "tropical sensuality" "breathless and savage with desire. When he was exhausted he turned away"
Shakespeare Twelfth night: semantic field of consumption/predatory sexuality - "appetite" "palate" "hungry as the sea" "digest" "turned into a hart and my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, e'er since pesue me"
Marlowe Edward II: "running in the likeness of an hart, by yelpping hounds pulled down, and seem to die" "dians shape"
Tennessee Williams Streetcar Named Desire: "contains a folding bed to be used by blanche. The room beyond is a bedroom" "but with the power and pride of a richly feathered male bird among hens" "they come together with low animal moans" "smashing light bulbs...i was thrilled by it" "things that happen between a man and woman in the dark. things that make everything else seem unimportant" "come here honey lamb, i want to kiss you" "intimacies with strangers was all i was able to fill my empty heart with"
Violent Love
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea: "When man don't love you, more you try, more he hate you, man like that. If you love them they treat you bad"
Raymond Carver What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: "mel loved her so much he tried to kill her...i love you, i love you, you *****" "terri's a romantic...terri is from the kick-me-so-i'll-know-you-love-me school"
Tennyson Miss Havisham: "beloved, sweetheart, *******." "the heart isn't the only thing that b-b-b-breaks" "bursting" "stabbed" "bite" "hate" "bang" (plosive sounds)
Sexual Love Continued
Tennessee Williams Streetcar named desire: "what such a man has to offer is animal force and the only way to deal with a man like that is to go to bed with him" "he's what we need to mix our blood with (link to Donne's 'The Flea')" "bury the hatchet and make it a loving cup?" "moves into the light and stretches her arms" "grins at her through the curtains"(scene in which the men are watching Blanche's shadow through the curtains on poker night)" "tarantula arms! that's where i brought my victims"
John Donne The Flea: "it ****'d me first now it ****st thee and in this flea our two bloods mingled be" "just so much honour, when thou yeildst to me, will waste, as this flea's death took life from thee" "this flea is you and I" To My Mistress Going To Bed: "off with that girlde. unpin tha spangled breastplate" "love's hallowed temple...this soft bed" "a heaven-like Mahomets paradise" "liscence my roving hands and let them go before, behind, between, above and below" "O my America, my newfoundland" "why then what needst have more covering than a man?" "my mine of precious stones, my empory"
Jeanette Winterson The Power Book: "your marrow is in my bones. my blood is in your veins. your **** is in my ****."
Sexual Love Continued
Anndrew Marvel To His Coy Mistress: "my vegetable love should grow, faster than empires" "two hundred to adore each breast but thirty thousand for the rest" "like amorous birds of prey rather at once our time devour" "roll our sweetness u
Sexual Love Continued
Anndrew Marvel To His Coy Mistress: "my vegetable love should grow, faster than empires" "two hundred to adore each breast but thirty thousand for the rest" "like amorous birds of prey rather at once our time devour" "roll our sweetness u
Sexual Love Continued
Anndrew Marvel To His Coy Mistress: "my vegetable love should grow, faster than empires" "two hundred to adore each breast but thirty thousand for the rest" "like amorous birds of prey rather at once our time devour" "roll our sweetness up into one ball and tear our pleasures with rough strife"
Vladimir Nabakov ******: "Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure and half-pain, came over those childish features" "I was consumed by a hell furnace of localized lust" "light of my life, fire of my loins"
Carol Ann Duffy Devil's Wife: "he bit my breast" "he entered me" "i lay on my bed on fire for him" "i went mad for the sex" Little Red Cap: "ripped stockings"
Margaret Atwood Handmaids Tale: "commanders one two one two marching pace"
Madness As Love
Carol Ann Duffy Miss Havisham: "cawing noooo at the walls"
Carol Ann Duffy Devil's Wife: "howling in my cell" "these are the words that crawl out of the wall:
Suffer. Monster. Burn in Hell" "I said Send me a lawyer a vicar a priest." "I said No not me I didn’t I couldn’t I wouldn’t."
Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea: the moon is used to symbollise Antoinettes madness - "my lunatic"
Ian Mcewan Enduring Love: "There was a glow, a kind of burning on my fingers along the edges of those wet leaves. Then I got it. You had touched them in a certain way, in a pattern that spelled a simple message. Did you really think I would miss it, Joe! So simple, so clever, so loving."
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