Caprivi, Hohenlohe, Bülow and Bethmann-Hollweg (1890-1914)
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Caprivi (1890-1894) and His Policies
Caprivi's New Course/Deal:
- Taking a more consultative approach to government and a conilitary attitude to previously hostile forces
- In his first few weeks of power Caprivi went our of his way to make concessions to the Poles, Socialists and Catholics/Centralists
- He lowered tariffs to improve export trade
- He gave ministers more influence over policy making
Social Reforms:
- July 1890, Industrial courts set up to adjudicate in wage disputes and restrict women to working only 11 hours a day
- Workers were given the right to form comittees
- Welcomen by the SPD, working class and Zentrum
- Opposed by the Conservatives
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Caprivi's Policies (Cont.)
Tariff Reform:
- Caprivi lowered the duties on imported wheat and rye
- This reduced the protection of agriculture
- Also reduced the tariffs on imported German manufactured goods
- Grain producers were angry so formed the Agrarian League in 1893, by 1894 membership was at 250,000
- The League also formed the basis of a Conservative movement
Prussian School BIll 1892:
- A bill to restore some of the Church's privileges taken away by the Kulturkampf
- Would have given them more say in education and more funds
- Was never passed
- Faced large opposition from the NLs, many Conservatives and some Socialists
- Caprivi had alienated most political allies via this so depite backing down was forced to resign as Prussian PM
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Caprivi's Policies (Cont.)
Army Bill 1892-93:
- Caprivi was worried France and Russia would encircle the Empire so planned to increase the army budget to strengthen it by up to 84,000 men
- He planned to bargain with a reduce in conscription from 3 years to 2 and let the Reichstag review the budget every 5 years
- Became law in 1893
- Upset the national right including the Camerilla (Kaiser's upper class)
Resignation 1894:
- Caprivi found the Kaiser difficult to work with
- Kaiser interfered with Caprivi's policy on the Church and the Socialists
- Caprivi resigned in 1894
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Prince Zu Hohenlohe (1894-1900) and His Policies
Anti-Subversive Bill:
- Meant to curb Socialism by introducing higher penalties for socialist activities
- 1895 it was thrown out by the Reichstag
- SPD and NLs opposed the bill
Navy Law and Flottenpolitik 1898:
- Flottenpolitik= the thought that Germany had to build a navy to rival that of Britains if they were to gain world power status
- Navy Law set out plans for the expansion of the Navy to match Britains
- Would give them 19 battleships and 42 cruisers
- Public sentiment was in line with the navy law
- Supported by the Reichstag majority (inc. Zentrum)
- Supported by the Kaiser
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Hohenlohe's Policies (Cont.)
Sammlungspolitik (Concentration):
- The rallying together of the population to raise nationalism and bring together landowners and industrialists to fight socialism
- Tried to unite landowners and industrialists through an "alliance of steel and rye"
- His Minister of Interior also tried to introduce an 1899 bill that would impose prison sentences for strike action, which was rejected by the Reichstag
- Supported by right wing nationalists
- Polarised Germnay into two hostile groups- forces of law, order and respectability and of radicalism and socialism
- Imperial expansion and global military dominance to ensure world status
- Policy was dominated by the Kaiser and influenced by Admiral von Tirpitz. who was Navy Secretary from 1897
- Supported by right wing nationalists
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Hohenlohe's Resignation 1900
- Resigned in 1900 over colonial policy with the Kaiser
- The Kaiser called him a "straw doll"
- Kaiser also removed his key ministers in 1896 and 97
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Why Bülow (1900-1909) Was Chosen As Chancellor
Why He Was Appointed:
- He was groomed for office by the Kaiser's inner circle
- He was an aristocratic Junker, civil servant and diplomat
- In 1887 he advocated for the ethnic cleansing of all Poles in Germany
- He was the Foreign Minister from 1897 to 1900 and favoured an adventurous foreign policy and wanted colonial expansion
- He went out of his way to flatter the Emperor, visiting him every morning, and earning the nickname "the eel"
- He was the first Chancellor that Kaiser Wilhelm II trusted
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Bülow's Policies
Weltpolitk and Navy Law 1900:
- Weltpolitik= colonial expansion, developing the German fleet and promoting the Kaiser as the Emperor throughout the colonies
- Navy Law 1900= funded a 17 year building programme for a sea fleet
1892 Tariff Reform:
- Reversal of Caprivi's tariff reduction
- Reinstatement of the previous tariffs (1892) on agricultural products, including Russian grain, as well as the reinstatement on some manufacturers
- Created an "alliance of steel and rye" with the Junkers
- Was unpopular with the SPD who preferred cheap Russian grain
- Led to a growth in SPD voted from 2-3million in 1903
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Bülow's Policies (Cont.)
Social Reforms:
- 1900= the length of time in which workers could clain accident insurance was increased
- 1901= industrial arbitration courts became compulsory in towns of more than 20,000
- 1903= health insurance was extended and rules on child labour tightened
- Germany became the only teaching language in Prussian schools
- 1908= an expropriation law made it possible for Polish property could be given to German workers in Prussia
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Bülow's Opposition
Start of His Chancellorship:
- Tariff reform inroduced to please Conservatives
- Reforms highly unpopular as belived they would increase the price of food
- 1903 SPD won 25 more seats in the Reichstag
- 1903 onwards Bülow struggled to keep together a coalition of Conservatives, National Liberals and Zentrum
- Active foreign policy (Weltpolitik and Navy Law) stretched gov finances, but attempts at tax reform were blocked by agrarian interests
- 1905 Centre joined with the SPD to vote against increased expenditure on the cavalry, to fund military operations and stop an uprising in German South-West Africa
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Bülow Bloc (1907 Election)
1907 Reichstag Election:
- Bülow used the criticisms of the SPD and Catholics to increase his majority
- He painted his opponents as unpatriotic, as they did not support Weltpolitik
- Bülow Bloc= a coalition of the Progressives to join the Conservatives and National Liberals based on supporting Weltpolitik
- Bülow Bloc won 216 seats
- Centre Party won 105 seats
- SPD won only 36 seats
Effects of the Bülow Bloc:
- Did not give Bülow security
- Centre Party deeply resented its treatment and was determined to oppose everything Bülow did
- Progressives (part of the Bloc) demanded electoral reform
- By 1908 the Navy and Army were costing 1200 million RM a year, and the Tories (who would be hit the hardest by taxes) and Agrarian League opposed tax increase, with the Zentrum supporting the opposition as well
- The Progressives thought it was necessary to increase property tax
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The Eulenburg Affair (1907-1909)
The Eulenburg Affair:
- A series of court martials and 5 trials regarding accusations of homosexuality and the following libel trials, which surrounded prominent members of Wilhelm II's cabinet from 1907 to 1909
- The Kaiser's friend, Prince Philipp of Eulenburg-Hetefield was blackmailed into retiring from his ambassadorship in Vienna in 1902 by political enemy Holstein and journalist Harden
- Holstein then challenged Eulenburg to a duel-to-the-death, which Eulenburg declined, so Harden outed him as homosexual on April 27th 1907
- Between 1906 and 1907, 6 military officers committed suicide after being blackmailed regarding their sexuality
- 1907-1910, around 20 officers were convicted via court-martials for homosexual activity, including an elite officer who was commanded by a relative to the Kaiser
- Wilhelm II ordered the resignation of 3 out of 15 prominent aristocrats- Hohenau, Lynar and Moltke, who were all listed as homosexual by the Berlin police, despite the actual list, which was not shown to the Kaiser, containing several hundred names
- Bülow was also accused as homosexual, and on November 6th 1907, Adolf Brand, printed a pamphlet which described the Chancellor as having been blackmailed for his homosexuality and kissing and embracing Scheefer at a gathering hosted by Eulenburg
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The Daily Telegraph Affair and Bülow's Resignation
The Daily Telegraph Affair:
- Kaiser visited England in 1907 and stayed with Stuart-Wortley
- S-W wrote about Wilhelm's stay, where the Kaiser suggested that German opinion was against the British, and this article was sent to Bülow to check by the Kaiser
- Bülow did not check the article and it was published in October 1908
- The British saw Wilhelm II as arrogant and the Germans demanded constitutional reform in order to limit the Kaisers "meddling"
- Bülow joined in on the attacks on the Kaisers "personal government"
- In 1909 Bülow had lost the confidence of the Kaiser and resigned
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Bethmann-Hollweg Parliamentary Reform
Prussian Parliamentary Reform 1910:
- B-H tried to reform the Prussian Parliament
- This is because whilst it gave everyone a vote, Junkers' votes were worth more than the middle/lower class'
- 1908= SPD got 25% of the vote but only 7 seats
- 1908= Conservatives had 16% of the vote but 212 seats
- He introduced the Bill in 1910, and it would have increased the importance of votes from those with educational or vocational qualifications
- The bill was dropped due to hostility
- It was too radical for the Conservatives and Zentrum
- Not radical enough for the Progressives or SPD
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Prussian Parliament 1912 Election
The 1912 Election:
- 1 in 3 voted for the SPD
- 34.8% voted for the SPD
- SPD and Progressive Liberals had a left wing majority
- Majority increased indirect taxes, brought in higher tariffs and lowered the cost of living
Effect the Rise of the SPD Had On German Politics:
- Chancellor could not win a majority for his policies and was essentially useless
- B-H was forced to lobby with parties on a case-by-case basis rather than relying on a fixed alliance in the Reichstag
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The Erfurt Programme
Erfurt Programme 1891:
- The SPD manifesto that they would implement if they won a Reichstag majority and constitutional reform
- Would fight for the abolishment of class rule and of the classes themselves and for equal rights for all
- Demanded the vote for all men and women over 21
- New laws and the appointment of high officials (inc. Chancellor) to be controlled by the people
- Decisions for war and peace to be made by representatives of the people rather than the Kaiser
- All taxes on goods to be abolished as they are an unfair burden on the poor
- The cost of govt. to be paid by income tax, property tax and inheritance tax to ensure the rich pay the most
- 8 hour max working day
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Bethann-Hollweg and Military Spending
Military Spending under Bethmann-Hollweg:
- Had to balance a budget deficit whilst facing increasing demands to build up the military
- 1912 there were increased international tensions that made these demands worsen, as every country was increasing their military as it became apparent that war would break out
- July 1913 Reichstag increased the army which cost an extra 435million RM
- This faced opposition from the SPD
- To fund this increase B-H introduced a "defence tax" based on the value of property
- This was supported by the left but opposed by Conservatives and the Junker who would be hit the hardest
- 1913 Army Bill led to national debt reaching 490billion RM and B-H alienating both the left and the right (increasing the army and defence tax)
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The Zabern Affair and Vote of No-Confidence 1913
The Zabern Affair 1913:
- Zabern was a town in Alsace which was garrisoned by German soldiers with the help of local Alsatian recruits
- 1913, a 20yr old German soldier called Alsation recruites "Wackes" aka Square-heads, after they teased him
- Officer admitted to this and was punished with several days confinement in a military prison
- A report of the incident was published in a local newspaper
- 29th November a group of locals assembled in front of the barracks to demonstrate against German arrogance
- German soldiers ordered to disperse the demonstration and they charged wildly at the crowds
- 15 people were arrested, including the President, two judges and the State Attorney of the Zabern Supreme Court who were caught up in the chaos
- Outrage from the liberal press at the police brutality, especially when Wilhelm II condoned the military action
- There was also outrage against militarism
- Army said it was only answerable to the Kaiser and not the Reichsta
- B-H backed the army and made the Reichstag furious
- Reichstag passed a vote of no confidence against B-H, who lost 293 to 54 votes
- This was then ignored by B-H and the Kaiser
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