Legal Profession (1)



Role of Solicitors

Solicitors' governing body is called The Law Society; in 2005 membership of the Law Society became voluntary.
The Solicitors Regulation Authority regulates Solicitors.

There is approximately 100,000, with 80% being in private  practice.

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Types of work do solicitors do...

Most Solicitors' work and income comes from commercial, conveyancing, family/matrimonial and probate work

Solicitors do almost all of their advocacy work in the Magistrates' Court.

The Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 and Access to Justice Act 1999;
Gave Solicitors the Right to Audience meaning that they can appear in any court, a right Barristers have always had.If the Solicitors took the Advocacy Training.

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Law Degree or for non-law graduates the Common Professional Exam.

Legal practice course (1 year)

2 - year training contract


After qualification: Continous professional development

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Complaints made against Solicitors

Legal Complaints Service - set up in 2007 an independence complaints service.

Legal Service Act 2007 - provided for the setting up of the Office for Legal Complaints - handle all complaints against ANY legal service provider, this will replace the Legal Complaints Service when fully set up.

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