The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) represents the interests of legal executives. It sets out a Code of Conduct but regulation is done by the CILEx Regulation Board. The CILEx Regulation Board is an independent regulator and investigates complaints about legal executives. When an investigation is complete a summary of the issues is prepared and the matter is put to the Professional Conduct Panel for consideration. The Panel will decide if there has been misconduct – e.g. a legal executive has not respected client confidentiality. If there has been misconduct it may reprimand or warn the legal executive. It will refer serious matters to the Disciplinary Tribunal. The tribunal can:
- a. reprimand or warn the legal executive
- b. impose a fine of up to £100,000
- c. exclude the legal executive from membership of CILEx so they cannot practice
If the complainant is unhappy with the decision of the CILEx Regulation Board, he or she may take the matter to the Legal Ombudsman.
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